
Am I making myself a target for 'bullies'? ?

by Guest21151  |  earlier

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Ok. So, I'm a high school freshman. I hate it. It sucks. Anyway, I'm a bit of a jerk magnet. I'm a very artsy, unique individual. I go to a prep school as of now. I hate it. Next year I hope to be in a public school. I don't fit in here at all and we can't even afford it. Anyway, am I making myself a target for this c**p by being a bit of a loner? I'm also a shorty....4'11''.....which doesn't help. I'm just an introverted soul. Anyway, the kids at this school are cruel and evil. And no, I'm not exaggerating. What can I do but ignore it? What else is there? Could my having a low self-esteem be the problem? My piano teacher recently told me I walk with a slouch. I feel inferior. This comes from years of harrassment I might add. I didn't realize this til now. Maybe all along it's been my fault? It feels like it. I feel like an idiot. I hope this makes sense. I'm tired of this. I dont' wanna get into all that happened. It's too much. I'll just leave it......~Indie G




  1. be confident in urself n it rlly isn't ur fault try finding some friends who u know u can be close to...n its great ur artsy alot of ppl like being friends around ppl who have that persoanlity n character. Stand up straighter say im proud of who i am and s***w those who don't care or understand me...being confident is best thing n juz be outgoing n u'll make friends in no time

  2. 4-11 is fine for a chik.

    Bad news: Public shool might be worse.

    Dude, that's just the life of a rockstar. Well, that's how it begins, anyway. This abrasiveness, should you live through it without bending, actually gives you superhuman confidence later on in life.

    These bullies are not people who can ever go up on stage and sing, to a crowd of strangers. You are.

    The trick is not bending, never bowing to the comfort of "fitting in". Also known  as "selling out", in most circles. ITo bend, is rewarded with decreased respect, even if the bullying does clear up.

    I've lived through this for decades. I can promise you, the liberty of living without worrying what others think of me, is priceless.

    As Dr. Seuss said.."those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."

  3. There is actually a new book published with you in mind.  It's written for parents of kids who are picked on, but you could probably read it as a self-help book.  It's called, No More Jellyfish, Chickens, or Wimps, by Paul Coughlin.  You can order it off of  Good luck.

  4. I was teased and bullied for years.  You know what I discovered???

    1)  Bullies want a reaction.  They feed off of fear, anger or annoyance.

    If you make a joke out of it, play it off, there's no reaction, they're not happy and after a while they stop.

    2)  There is FREEDOM and HAPPINESS after high school!!! Everyone goes their separate ways, you don't see the same kids, there's a new maturity that everyone has.  It's WONDERFUL!!  You just have to concentrate on your future goals, find something you're truly passionate about and focus on that.

    3)  Your attitude is EVERYTHING!!  You can be happy through high school with your passions, things you truly enjoy, your friends and   your family.  No one can take that away, you give your happiness to others and all that's left is sadness!!

    Everyone is special and unique and it has nothing to do with height, weight, prettiness or machoism.  It has to do with the potential we have to CHANGE THE WORLD WITH OUR IDEAS, ENTHUSIASM, AND CREATIVITY!!!  Be one of those that WILL change the world!!!

    Don't let anyone take that away from you!!!

  5. Yup... it sounds like you are putting the "fresh meat" vibe out there.

    This is about establishing boundaries for yourself.

    So you need to carry yourself better and get ready to call someone out if they are rude to you. Ask your piano teacher for some coaching. Learning how to handle this stuff will help you through your whole life. Time to bloom.

    If you are actively being bullied, you need to take it up with the principal... school administrators take that stuff seriously these days because they can be sued.

    I'm short, but nobody ever messes with me. I went to some pretty evil schools, too.  

  6. I can't say it any better than Munkstump said...........

  7. Bullies tend to pick people they sense are down. They don't usually pick the self assured person who will stand up for themselves. Do you ever watch the show "Dog Whisperer?" The concepts taught to pet owners to be the pack leader over their dog are the same for your own self confidence too...feel it inside and it will come through to the outside world.

    How do you change confidence in yourself? First you need to position your body to be tall, head up and have eye-contact with others. Second is the self talk you have with yourself. Use a determined voice, that of 100% belief and tell yourself that this is your life. You own it. It is not anothers and they have no right to it at all.

    You also need to mentally prepare yourself for any attack from others. The way to do this is to understand that bullying is a form of competition and power. The bully wants to maintain a position of power that others see and with this the person keeps a position in the pecking order within the group he/she is a part of. When they attack a person they are not expecting a stand off. They choose the people who are feeling low for this reason. You have to practice the stand-off. Look them directly in the eye, step toward them, keep your head up. Tell them with an unshaken adult voice that they need to stop, keep eye contact the entire time.

  8. I had the same problem, and sometimes I still do ( I'm a sophomore)  Confidence, it's all about confidence.  People respect you more when you show confidence in your self.  Start doing exercises before you go to school.  It might seem a little crazy but, go in the mirror and start complimenting yourself.  Think about all your great qualities, don't worry, they'll put a smile on your face.  When you walk, shoulders back and head held high.  You got to show that you can take care of yourself and that nobody has the right to tell you that you are something that you are not.  It's not what they call you, it's what you answer to.  Start being more social, compare things that you have in common with other classmates, it's a great conversation starter.  Stick up for yourself and tell those bullies that you aren't going to take it anymore. I hope this helps.

  9. well just make friends try ti socialize more once people know u they wont jugde you well best of luck hoped i helped

  10. It's never anyone's fault that they get bullied.  You just need to stand up for yourself more and beat the c**p out of these bullies every once in a while.

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