
Am I making this up? My last period was 7/28 today is 8/25. ?

by  |  earlier

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Had s*x 8/3 and 8/17, Not during "fertile" period but still ttc. I've had cramps for 2 weeks the normal ones... but 2 weeks early. Yesterday my b*****s were sore and today they are even worse. This usually isn't a symptom for me so it's really strange. I was really (uh moist) for a week or so but that's gone for now. I have also had this constant pain in my lower back on the right side for the last 2 weeks. Uggghhh do I test now or should I wait? If I run 28-30 days between cycles?




  1. I wouldn't worry about it too much... I was 4 days late this month and had all the symptoms... mind over matter.

  2. No protection?!

  3. Don't worry right this very second. Take a test asap. But give it another week before you blow things out of proportion. If it gets bad, then take the test. Even if it says negative, don't believe it. Go to the doctors and get a urine & blood test. He'll know what to do, let him take care of you, hun.

  4. Test now!! Why wait?

  5. go gurl test now isnt safe nor accurate the calendar counting...  

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