
Am I mentally Fuu.cked up?

by Guest61317  |  earlier

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Ever since the Virginia tech massacre a lot of people hated on Asians where I live. A lot of Filipinos started denying to be Asian because they are afraid. There are thoughts in my mind to get an AK 47 and put in on single fire and start mowing people down, but I wont die from suicide, I want to die like a man shooting at the cops and me being shot 100 times by the police.




  1. should go tell a Dr before you either hurt yourself or other people.  If you are Asian and you are feeling this way because of that, do you really think that you doing this would make it better for other Asians...specially for the idiots who think because the people who hit the twin towers were middle eastern then ALL middle easter people are terrorists and are dangerous?  You should see a Dr.  Best of luck to you.

  2. What do you plan to achieve by doing this?

    Why not skip the AK47...mowing people down.. bit and jump straight to the shooting at the cops and being shot 100 times by the police. At least that way no one gets hurt except you, and thats all you really what so win win all round.

    Alternatively you can go and tell you doctor how you feel so he can help you in some way. That way no one gets hurt at all

  3. You need to see a doctor about that and killing innocent  defenseless people isn't dying like a man, it's dying like a coward.


  4. wtf are you talking about bro

    yes you are mentally ******

  5. so u think that gettin a gun a kill in random people will (improve?) the stereotype of asians


  6. Do you think you would feel remorse?  This probably is not a good idea.  As I'm sure others will say- this is letting "them" win.  Rising above the ignorant criticisms of others is what will make you a strong person.  That wouldn't solve anything; it would make Asians after you be feared and mistreated even more.

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