
Am I missing something? What are words to look for when checking for animal products?

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I consider myself an ovo lacto vegetarian. I am wondering if there are more scientific words for hidden animal products in things.Like when I look at a product lable are there any words that you know of that relates to animals whether be foods, beauty products etc that many people may not be able to recognize as an animal product? I know this probably makes no sense how I am wording it.




  1. gelatine and animal rennet in cheese are the most common things. but i'd suggest to google everything you don't know. just recently i found some yogurts saying "not suitable for vegetarians" on the package even if the ingredients looked ok. aparently the colour - carmines is ground beetles from south america! not too apetizing even if you're not vegetarian...

  2. I just found out some cheese are made from the lining of animal's stomachs. :/

  3. Gelatin is an absolute no-no...anything with gelatin has animal products in it.  Also, hydrolyzed means that it has cell walls broken down, so unless it says vegetable next to it, skip it.

    Hope that helps.

  4. confectioners' glaze

    natural flavors

  5. So far, the website I am linking to you has been the best way for me to identify animal ingredients. There is a *huge* list and a lot of medical/scientific terminology- so be prepared. The author laid this out well, though, and should be user-friendly. I hope this helps!

    Also, here's a tip: Look for cholestoral. Plant-based diets do not have cholestoral in them, however, dairy does.

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