
Am I mixing too many meds??

by  |  earlier

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This morning I took a 800 mg Ibprofen, one Biotin *for hair and nails*, my bc *yasmin*, one 600 mg Mucinex DM and a 30 mg sudafed... Tonight I took another Mucinex and another sudafed, cant sleep at ALL!!! Im very jittery too...




  1. I'm pretty good with medications in the controled substance catagory but I'd call your pharmacy if I were you.  Tell them everything you took but make sure it is the pharmasist you're speaking with not a tech.  If you have no pharmacy that is open in your area call 411 and find one in any city anywhere.  I'll tell you one off the top of my head and it is 24 hour in oshkosh wisconsin it is a wal-greens on coaler street by highway 41 just call that one it doesn't matter where you live.  If that doesn't work than call the E.R. and ask them if that doesn't work than go to the E.R. and tell them what you took and the amount along with the time of consumtion.  Hope that helps a little.

  2. You really need to stop all of that right now!  Who prescribed all that together?  So see your doctor and tell him what you are taking and that you want to get better.  Plus all that is now keeping you awake!  This is a dangerous road you are on and you need to correct it right away.  Best wishes.

  3. Yes you are. You are too jittery because you have mixed different meds together. That's why your doctor checks to see what type of meds you are on before he/she prescribes new medications to you.

    This includes over the counter items. So stop it. You are toying with

    a bad habit.

  4. yes you are taking too much meds. Dont take anymore sudafed

  5. If you are going to be taking so many medications, it's a good idea to talk to your pharmacist beforehand. But I'm guessing it's probably the Sudafed (combined with your cold) that's keeping you awake. The older version of Sudafed contains pseudoephedrine; the new formula contains phenylephrine. Jitteriness is a side effect of both of these.

    I don't think any of these drugs interact with each other harmfully, but you should still consider speaking with a pharmacist tomorrow. I would suggest that you only take the Sudafed during the day. The Mucinex DM contains dextromethorphan, a cough suppressant, which should be enough to help you get to sleep, and hopefully get well enough soon to stop with all the OTC drugs.

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