
Am I morally wrong to dislike people who do nothing but trash Christians on a personal level?

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Atheist, feel free to quote scripture! LOL




  1. Matthew 6:14-15 "For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But, if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."

  2. Nope


  4. I think that hatred is wrong even if you dress it up with words such as dislike.

    Christianity is about saving lives, it is not about saving people we like.

    Deliver the message, forgive the mockers, and move on.

    Remember that God prepares a table for your enemies.

  5. no your not wrong..hate the sin but not the sinner,it is my understanding according to the bible we are to wipe the dust from our feet and go on

  6. No you aren't morally wrong especially if you forgive them in your heart.  

  7. You would be a "typical" Christian then!  LOL

    Dislike is evil... no?!

    Personal level? I don't think they are trashing Christians on a personal level. People are just sick of being disrespected by SOME of them.

    Live and let live.  Let people have their own religion and stop thinking that your religion is the only right one!!!

  8. yes becos we christians have to forgive one and other nobody is perfect;we r all sinners.. Christ is full of love,mercy &compassion.   Christ didnt curse or dislike or hate who mocked &thrashed Him..      if we cant love them, then we've to ignore what they do&stay away from them

  9. Since you do nothing but trash atheists on a personal level with no basis whatsoever, it does make you a very stupid hypocrite.

  10. It may not be morally wrong, per se, but John 15:18-20 says that if the world hates us, they hated Him first.  We are not greater than Jesus and so we should expect a little bit of confrontation on occasion.  

    In Matt 10:16 He says He sends us forth as sheep among wolves.  Therefore, be ye wise as serpents and gentle as doves.

    What is our purpose?  To show people the Way, the Truth, and The Life.  If we are taking offense all the time and letting them get to us can we truly be witnesses of His love for them?

    I'll be praying for you.  

  11. Nope.

    No more than I am wrong for disliking those who insist my way of life is wrong without even having a clue as to what that way of life actually is.

  12. well youre factually wrong on the subject of a supernatural creator so you carry on son

  13. What happened to turn the other cheek?  

    Forgive them for they know not what they do?

    Love for all for they are all children of God?

    Actually what do you consider a personal level?  Your mama's so fat?  or Your God doesn't exist?  Just trying to get clarification.  It can mean different things to different people.  I don't take religion as a personal level thing.  It is a religious thing.  Personal is more like God ran out of brains before he got to you ............ for example

  14. It says not to hate. There is nothing wrong with disliking someones life style or the way they act you just cant hate that person because then you would never be able to win them to Christ.

  15. No, you are not wrong.

    Not all Christians are the bigoted ignorant fundie kind.

  16. Are you a christian? To my understanding christians are supposed to love and accept everyone regardless of their actions, words, and beliefs.

  17. No, morality is subjective, if it works for you trash away.  

  18. Perry, you put out hate, you get hate in return. And you've been putting out nothing but hateful, ignorant answers. Are you surprised at the results?

  19. Dislike who ever you want.

  20. A college education...could have fooled me...

    Regardless no its not morally wrong to dislike them. But you seem to dislike anyone who doesn't agree with Christians, so I guess you have little say in the matter.

  21. Since morality is subjective you would have to look to broader social standards for guidance, but I am pretty sure there is nothing moral or immoral about disliking or liking anyone. And though an atheist, I'm a seminary grad and former pastor, and I searched in vain for quite some time on this topic. It comes down to whether you believe you can love without liking. I see love as an action and affection, or liking as an emotion. So I think you're Biblically free to dislike anyone, but you are Biblically obligated to be compassionate. You'll have to find the balance for yourself.

  22. No, they are just as bad as Christians who trash atheists just for being atheists.

  23. You are free to dislike whomever you wish.  

  24. no, you are morally wrong to not bring up original stuff

  25. Im an atheist and I dislike people who do nothing but trash Christians on a personal level too.  In fact, I don't think anyone should trash anyone on a personal level.  Its insulting, childish, and does nothing to further their argument.

    I'd be curious to know how you felt about christians who do nothing but trash atheists on a personal level.

  26. Dislike and Hate are two differnt things as long as you dont hate then you okay think of how deeply troubled they are if they have to be to personaly attack someone for a belief instead of getting mad simply say a prayer for them as i am sure they could use it. Most athiest i have met are doing it for the effect and to be in an niche but there are those who simply need scientific evidence to believe i respect those people because they generaly are not the ones attacking me for my belief.

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