
Am I normal? i need help?

by Guest59739  |  earlier

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Sooo.... Im not sure if there r misunderstandings or im tooo creazy??!

I hate when people need something and they cant find it because they dont feel like looking for it..and they yelll hey wheres is your green tshirt can i borrow if u want to borrrow it dont u have to look for it yourself???

And i hate those ppl who expect me to do anything for them and they cant do nothing when i need their help. and i got mad isnt this normal? or am i too crazy...

i hate when ppl ask me how they look over an d over again like a hundred times....when they see im busy...y is this??

and i dont like when ppl are not responsible at all and i have to do everything for them..but i never keep telling them that i did this or that for you , but they do if they do smt for i hysteric?

im not perfect im not trying to say that but some ppl in my life are so annoying...what should i do?




  1. Well, you are annoying. Be respectful of other people even if they aren't as perfect as you. Maybe they have a vision problem or mental problem they are not aware of as you are. Just take a couple of deep breaths and give them a helping hand. Besides, you know it's not what we get in return for what we do. These are your friends or family your talking about here. Chill out and take a breather. Things will work out in the end anyways.  

  2. hmmmmmm

  3. Try to substitute the words "annoyed with" for "hate," lighten up in general, any you're good to go.

  4. get different ppl in ur life

  5. Nope your not crazy! I'm the same way. Or maybe we're both crazy. lol we'll see.

  6. I have similar problems. At work people constantly ask me to do something for them or help them do something while I have my own work to do. They could just as easily do it themselves, but they are too lazy I guess.

    Finally I just did the easiest thing, I said "no". Try it. It might be hard for you to say since you seem to be a nice person. It will be best in the long run.

  7. Yes, you are normal. In-fact, I feel the same way. My little sister is always shouting at me to do things for her, despite the fact that she does nothing for me. If it is not done instantly, she will complain. It is annoying, but unfortunately, you have just got to learn to deal with it.

  8. OMFG my brother Austen is the EXACT SAME WAY!!!! You're soooo not crazy you're perfectly normal!  I just stop helping him and if he complains i ask him what he's done for me lately. It makes him shut-up and leave me alone! Good Luck!

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