
Am I nuts to want this for our anniversary?

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My man and I will have been married for 32 years in november. We couldn't do much for our 30th because we were having problems financially but now the problems have passed and we are in excellent shape money wise. Some of his friends have told him that he just has to take me on a cruise for an anniversary gift. He travels all the time for his job and doesn't like to do it unless he is working but he came home with a bunch of pamphlets on cruises for me to look at. I am not much of a traveler either so I asked him if he REALLY wanted to go on this trip as I REALLY don't. He seemed relieved and agreed that he didn't want to either. So we are getting each other something that we want... for me--- a new stainless steel stove that has two ovens and all kinds of wonderful gadgets that I have always wanted and he is getting a huge hot tub with special back relaxing jets and such. Then he is gonna take two weeks off and we will hide in our house and have adult fun for days. Our friends think we are nuts. Are we?




  1. i think what you're doing is great! you shouldn't let what others think cloud your judgment on what's best for you.

  2. You're not nuts.  I would much rather have something awesome for myself that I'll enjoy everyday.  I just got back from vacation.  It was wonderful but still exhausting.  The flying, the hotel, the bags, the excursions, the rental car, the timing of everything, blah.  I have to be in the MOOD for a trip.  I would do the same thing you're doing.  

  3. NO - absolutely not!  

    You guys just know what makes each other happy, and both of you invest your time, energy, and money into it.

    The way I see it, it's just another great example of why you are celebrating 32 years together!

    You considered a suggestion by well-intentioned friends, and then communicated (after 32 years, you guys are still doing that!) - and, you reached a mutual decision that is exciting and celebratory to both of you.

    I cannot imagine any celebration of marriage that would be more special than spending time alone together doing exactly what makes each of you happy.

    Talking, doing things you like, and just loving each other's company is what a marriage should be about.

    Then, the icing on the cake is that you each get a special gift of your own choosing that you will appreciate and enjoy for years to come.

    Congratulations, and I wish you happiness that overflows.

    You guys are an inspiration.


    I think you should bake up or buy a special little wedding cake and feed each other just for the ceremony of it!  Enjoy! :D

  4. Too much info granny. Keep the intimate details to yourself.

  5. Sounds honest and down to earth. Your home is your haven and now it will be beautified with stainless steel and ooowee a hottub. Sounds good to me.

  6. No, your very lucky.  Your friends only wish they could go.  Be sure to look online at the safety issues on cruises though.  Have a good time and be safe.  

  7. i would go on the cruise and then ask for the stove anyways its part of home improvement  

  8. no you are not nuts anyone who tells you that probably are jelouse of you becuase they don't get alot of adult fun with there partners  i say if there are no kids there with you go for it have all the adult fun you want becuase these days thats the nimber one compaint with married adults is that there is not enough adult fun so just go and have yourself a good time and don't hold back and enjoy for two whole weeks you guys probably diserve it

  9. Not at all, it is something the both of you want, and you will have something to show for it verses a cruise, of which neither of you really want to do.  Instead you can cook him a nice meal, and afterward you two can get in the hot tub together!

  10. Absolutely not!  You're both getting what you want and the two adult weeks sounds like a perfect ribbon for the package!

    Knock yourselves out, have a great time ~ Happy Anniversary!

  11. Oh definitly not! In your shoes I would have wanted the same thing. Hiding out at home with new toys and nothing to do is way more fun then being on a ship with a ton of people you don't know.  

  12. um no makes sense to me. you spend your money on things that will last you for a long time and you spend your time on a "stay-cation" as many are doing. However, i would recommend next time you wish to travel that you avoid cruises and go on an all inclusive Caribbean vacation. those are usually far cheaper and give you more of a free feeling as you're not cooped up on a ship.

  13. your idea is better than a cruise...and's very weird to me that you involve your friends in your intimate decision making process.

  14. Nope, its what you two want to do that matters, and if in doubt tell everyone else your going on the cruise and then they wont bother you for two weeks.

    Do what you want, its your anniversary!

  15. I think your husband's friends met well, but it wasn't really what your husband wanted to do. He felt relieved that you didn't want to go and he didn't either. You both found a way to work things out so you both can be happy without any problems. Plus spending some quality time with each other for two whole weeks! You still will be enjoying what you both have already and that's each other!

    So NO you are not nuts and neither is your husband. You two are just doing what people don't normally do these days. You are still normal but with some fun with it. I have to give you both credit that for going on 32 years, your spice in life with each other is still on fire!

    Happy Anniversary for 32 whole years and many, many, more! Enjoy the life with your husband and enjoy every breath that you two take to the fullest! Your husband has himself one special Gem.

  16. You're brilliant.  The memories of a cruise may last but the fun of your new toys will just continue on and on.  Have fun.

  17. Heck no! I would rather have a great new stove and a hot tub over a cruise any day.

    Early happy anniversary!

  18. I think that sounds wonderful and very memorable.  Why not have the kind of fun that you will really enjoy?  Congrats on a long and successful marriage.

  19. You are nuts only in the eyes of others.

    And given that "others" really couldn't begin to give a true rat's posterior about your life, you just go on and do whatever you like and be happy.  That's what I do.

  20. Get what makes you happy.  

  21. heck no you are not. You know what i told my husband i want for my birthday this year. i want a Shark Steam Mop. I know we can't afford Red Lobster so I want a clean floor for our kids. They make the messes most of the time anyway.

    Maybe after or during your two week "vacation" if you are close to an amusement park like Disney or something, go there too and be a couple of kids again. Then after you leave there you go home and soak in the hot tub eating some delicious sinful foods you cooked in the double oven.

    don't let anyone put your ideas of fun down. This is your life not theirs.

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