
Am I ok to chat to a radio dj on m s m or is that rong?

by  |  earlier

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Am I ok to chat to a radio dj on m s m or is that rong?




  1. It wouldn't be available if they didn't want it used. Chat away. They'll let you know if you become a bother.

    -a guy named duh

  2. rong is wrong, and if the radio DJ has MSM to chat with why's there, it's available.  Otherwise just call the station and chat, they love that sort of thing!!!  :)

  3. if the station has gotten it installed its not rong to chat online.

    i hadda 3 different ladies i was cahtting up 2 were djs one was the weather babe, she took me for a  ride in the helicopter and  scared the bejesus outta me. now i have legitimaitely won tickets from not just them but the other djs as well for movie passes and one set of concert tickets in like 8 years and oh a ride on the radios bus on a field trip. but there is nothing rong in wanting to be friends with  djs.............

  4. uhm no i wouldnt say it was wrong

    you know as long as they gave you their msm

    and whatevs...

    butyeah, its like talking to anyone on there, its fine.. you know

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