
Am I old, or still a kid? (I'm 13)?

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Well, I'm 13. Am I old , or still a kid?




  1. I'm 26 and I'm still a kid. My grandfather is 83 and HE'S still a kid. How old you are rarely has anything to do with your age. I know some 13-year-old adults and some 64-year-old babies.

    In other words, it's really up to you.

  2. You are still a kid, love it while you can

  3. you're still a child

  4. I think ur a teenager ^^. It really depends how you act

  5. Depends on how you look at it. Im 13 and I still call myself  a kid.

  6. Tween & it's it's great!! Sometimes I wish I could be your age again!

  7. You are young and so am I at 32.

  8. still a kid...enjoy it while you can BELIEVE ME!!

    being an adult is overrated and not all its cracked up to be...too much responsibility

  9. your a tween. kinda. well your mostly an adult :p

  10. I know you hate being told over and over to enjoy it..But yea you're a kid. That doesn't mean you are the same as an 8 year old that's classified as a kid. But you can still act mature and be old for your age..

  11. you're a kid. enjoy!

  12. You're a teen.

    P.S. How did you enjoy your last day of being a tween?

  13. kid

  14. if your old what an I when I am 38!

  15. You're a kid.

  16. ur a teenager~not old and neither a kid~

  17. Good question.

    Well... mentally, you are about six years away from being  able to claim maturity.  It will take your brain that long to fully develop the internal mechanism necessary to act with a balance between desire and the logical input necessary to act maturely.  But it will happen.  

    And - physically, you are close.  Boys hit their physical adulthood somewhere between nineteen and twenty-three.

    You are still very young.  But the years will pass quickly, so enjoy it.    

    Good luck,


  18. haha, wow. Kiddo. (:

  19. im 13 as well and i consider myself to be perfect age im not to old im not to young im just in the middle. sometimes i feel like a kid sometimes i feel like an adult. but ether way i just try to make the best of my age by having as much fun as i can.

  20. a kid? u can still be in college and be a kid

  21. If you have to ask if you're still old, or a kid.. You're definitively a kid. That, and no thirteen year old is mature enough to be 'old' h**l, old isn't until you're sixty or so.

  22. You a teenager.

  23. your a teenager, in between kid and adult

  24. OMG You're older than dirt.

    What did the Dead Sea look like before it got sick?

    I wanna know.

  25. youre still a kid

  26. still a kid,(sorry ) you ll be old when your 18


  27. it depends how you act and how you want to be called i would call you a kid but i am 15 and i call myself a kid because i don't want to grow up to fast and want to enjoy life slowly and most adults can do what kids do with out embarrassing themselves- i love being a kid and i hope you do to- hope it helps

  28. a kid y do kids now a days want to grow up so early enjoy the child hood

  29. i'd say you're a kid.

    i mean i smoke and drink, but i'm still a kid, i'm 15.

  30. Still a kid! enjoy your youth me

  31. your a tween before you get to be a teenage, your a kid,  how you act also makes a difference

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