
Am I old enough to see Twilight the movie?

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I'm 12 years old will i be old enough to see twilight the movie? Also i've already read all of the books besides Breaking Dawn I'm waiting to get enough money to get it.




  1. i don't see why not

  2. Yeah, I'm totally obsessed...................................

    the younger the obsession starts the more chance of growing up to be a totally awesome porson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Breaking Dawn rocked............................

    you will NOT BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I can't believe what Jacob did to Bella's Family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. probly unless u get scared easly it looks likt it s gunna stink anyway  

  4. don't worry, i'm 12 too and i'm pretty sure people our age can watch it i watched more than 100 PG-13 movies lol. i absolutley lovvved breaking dawn and i'm i'm pretty sure ur gonna love it too!! and yes i did cry while i was reading it :p

  5. well, you decide.

    it should be rated PG13.

    i got into PG13 movies when i was 8 and 9 lol

    so you should be old enough, i mean, you've read the book, you know whats in it .

    i love them myself [:

    you MUST borrow money or something !

    Breaking Dawn is by far the best out of the saga, and im kind of ashamed to say there are countless pages with stains from my tears [: haha

    hope i helped .

  6. They haven't actually rated the movie yet, but I think it might be PG 13, but if you have an adult with you, I am sure you can get in.  I know how you feel, I am 12, too and I am totally obsessed with Twilight!  I have read the books, too, including Breaking Dawn, it is more for mature people, if you know what I mean, but me and my friends have read the books.

  7. you should be fine,

    im 13,

    and im goingg to watch it(:

    but you're smart for asking..

  8. well the movie isn't even rated yet, but it might be rated PG-13 at the highest and think you can see it considering you're only one year younger and you've read the books.

  9. ya.

    ha pg13 is just guidlines.

    i heard its gonna be like harry potter.

    like more of guidlines so little kids wont see it

  10. you can c the movie. like u said you read the books so its going to be quite similar to them. i can solve ur prolem 2 the breaking dawn...look online for a Breaking Dawn can find a lot of websites that have the entire book for free just i don'tknow about the illegal/legal-ness of that

  11. The movie hasn't been rated yet, but I'm going to assume that it will be rated PG-13. It comes out November 21st, so maybe you will have turned 13 by then! If not, it's up to you and your parents. If your parents forbid it just because of its rating you may not be able to argue, but you can also tell them what the book is about so they will have a better sense. If it's up to you, I guess I would decide on how much I liked the books. I personally LOVED the books, so I would see it hands down, but if it's too much trouble or you don't feel comfortable with it or you don't feel as strongly, lol, then it might not be worth it for you.

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