
Am I on the right path of changing the world?

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I tried very hard helping people and changing the world. But I found it difficult. I realized that the world has a LOT of hurtful and ignornt people. Not only do they not understand what I say but they won't realize it when they ARE living thelife out of their intentions and full of misery. Even if they do succeed, they will not make great contributions or ever reach their full potential. They will still be empty inside.

I learned there is so much one person can do in the world. It is up to the majority of the people to act and truly change it for the better. I beat myself up to help people for THEIR OWN good. Yet what they do is be ignorant and hurtful. Enforcing believes upon others makes them resent you and is actually counter-productive. It is best help those who ask. Let life experience teach the others for they are not ready.

The best thing one can do is become the person you wish others to be. Become the role model. It hurts no one and yet those who wish to become it, will become it. Teach them better through example. Another thing is to focus thoughts on the world you wish to manifest and this way attract more of that into the mass consciounsess (being a bit metaphysical on this one). The third way is to share what you have with others, write books, go on talk shows, join and organize groups, become involved etc...

What do you think about my philosophy of changing the world? Anything you might wish to add or edit to this?




  1. I laugh with your philosophy..hehe..(^_^)

    but its nice, your on optimist one, you aim high for the goodness and I really appreciate it.

    Now, I will tell some of my wisdom's so read this carefully. I will tell this in a break down.

    --For the aim in changing the world, the first thing to do is, changing yourself. Be a good role model.

    --Then, if you are a good model, influence your family to be a better person.

    --Next, if all of your family members are all good, all of you can influence your community, help hand in hand.

    --If your community will be known for its distinct succession of betterment, you can influence your town.

    --And so on, your state, then your country, your neighboring countries, and THE WHOLE WORLD.

    And I recommend this thing, and its the easiest way to change the world.

    REMEMBER that, you, yourself cannot change the world by your own.

    Find people can help you like your family or friends.

    And that's it, good luck on your ambition, have faith to GOD.

    IF you have some questions you are free to email me. (^_^)

  2. No body has made such an effect on this world as much as the founders of ancient religion. Whether for the good or for the bad its up to you to decide.Even them were not very succesful at convincing everybody but they sure did leave their mark on this world.

    I find the idea of changing the world a bit too idealistic... why cant we just do our share and change ourselves for the better... and at the end of the day all that we can hope for is for others to do the same.

  3. You cannot be more right.  It is best help those who ask.  The others will learn from their life experience or from other people who can fit their way of being helped.

    You are on the right path.  

  4. Yes, you're on the right path. But you should not expect for others to be like you because more often than not, you'll be hurt. It a sad reality that when you teach the right things, others are not that appreciative. But keep on doing the best!

  5. The world is what it is and there's not much that can be done about it.  It's nice that you feel you have the answers but as long as there is free will, mental illness, different cultures and religions and good and evil I'm afraid that your theory doesn't have a chance.

    In a world that your theory would work, it wouldn't be needed.

  6. I think you have analyzed this way too much. All you have to do is kill with kindness.

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