Currently, I am a High School sophomore. As I ponder a future career, I have decided that something in the medical field is right for me. Am I on the right track to entering a good pre-med program and eventually med school? Moreover, do you have any other suggestions for other possible fields (salary is not the main concern, but rather the excitement and rewards of the job).
-I have good grades (A average in Hon. Chem, A+ in Spanish, A in Hon. Precalculus, A in Hon. English, B in A.P. US History, but likely a 5 on the college board exam, second chair Viola in Orchestra)
-Some medical experience--I am in the local EMS explorer post with First Responder certification, but have just completed the EMT-B course and am nearly done with that testing. I am also doing some EMS bike patrols this summer as well as actual riding on the ambulance.
-Private Pilot Certification--I am working on obtaining my private pilot license, with approx. 22 hours flight time and plans on soloing this summer.