
Am I over doing it ?

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I have an interview Thursday at Home Depot..This is what I would be wearing..

Shirt (without the belt)-



Am I over doing it ?




  1. Looks ok to me. What do you think?

  2. Ya I think that works great!

    Definitely leave out the belt, I think that would make it overkill. The skirt if great, it shows that you are very serious about the job.

    Good Luck!

  3. I really like the professionalism behind the outfit.  Professional dress is always the most appropriate dress for any job interview, and yes that means a suit is acceptable for an interview, even Home Depot.

    However, the red is a little loud.  It is recommended that the interviewee wear dark or neutral colors with minimal make-up and jewelry.  Dress professionally and conservatively.  Once hired you should be able to get a feel for how others are dressing and accessorizing.  

  4. I like the skirt and shoes, but I'm not sure that red is the right color for the top. Interviewers have some really wierd reasons for not hiring people. I would stick to a more subtle color like blue or green.

  5. I think your outfit works well.  Usually you should dress better than the employees at the company normally dress.  Since Home Depot isn't formal, wearing a suit would be overkill.  Good luck!
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