
Am I over reacting or do you think it's a warranted reply?

by  |  earlier

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I've known her since April and have been seeing her just recently. She's planning a birthday celebration around town with her friends (guys too) but didnt invite me. Out of spite, I'm not going to call her, or give her a present or anything. I know this could end the relationship but I'm not going through the hassle of present shopping and finding a free slot in her busy birthday schedule so I can give it to her. I'm 25, not a little kid who cant share his girl with other people or get along with her friends. I dont have the patience for this but I want to know if I'm over reacting.




  1. If she's not including you in her big birthday plans you should buy yourself a present for her special day and find someone else to spend the day with.  

  2. maybe instead of being a child (yes ur being a child) by not buying her a gift or calling her, u just get over it and ask her about the details. and then ask if ur invited. maybe she thinks u know that ur invited since u r dating her. ur over reacting, just talk to her

  3. Do yourself a favour and ask her.  She might not realise that you feel this way.  I didn't invite a friend to my wedding and when he told me years later, I was so upset.  I hadn't seen him for a while and it never occurred to me that he would want to come.

    So you are obviously upset, just ask her why you weren't invited.  And no, I don't think you are over reacting, but I do think that the situation might be more easily resolved and less permanently damaged.

    Edit:  Or maybe your invitation got lost inthe post?

  4. Why don't you stop being like a little boy and ask her if you're welcome to come?

    Sometimes you got to just take the bull by the horns.

    If she doesn't want you to for whatever reason then there is no need to get a present, just wish her Happy Birthday. She just might not be the cool girl you thought she was but it doesn't mean you have to throw the friendship out the door completely, she could change in the future. We don't need more enemies. Try to take the higher road and find better people.


    Oh, I didn't know you were her bf or quasi-bf

    I would assume you are invited and mabe she is a bit of an airhead. If she didn't intend to invite you tell her she is a freakin idiot, what gf doesn't include her bf to her bday party????

    Anyways, stop moping and ask her if you're welcome.

  5. probably assumes she invited you already... or that she knows you're coming to her celebration...

  6. To be honest, your completely entitled to be angry by the fact you weren't invited to her birthday celebrations. If you're her boyfriend, then by right, you should be there - the fact she didn't invite you is a little bizaar. However, in a situation like this, the old saying, two wrongs don't make a right, comes into play. Don't "get back at her" by simply lowering yourself to a sub standard level, it simply won't achieve anything. In this case communication is the best advise I can give you. Mind games don't serve any purpose in a relationship, simply talk to her, tell her how you feel and why your not impressed with the situation. At least this way you can gain insight into why you weren't invited, instead of constantly wondering which it seems you are. Hope this has helped, good luck.

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