I am a 45 year old white female who is employed by a retail chain that carries various electronics and household products. My job is in appliances and I am part time but always work more than 40 hours a week plus alot of overtime but no benefits. After being employed for more than 2 years I found out that a 17 year old( who hired on 6 months ago and has no work permit)for my department was given $8.50 an hour, I only average $8.71. When I asked for a raise but my boss told me our department was not seling enough products to make corporate happy enough to give me a raise even though I have sold more than anyone else in the department. I also discovered that another employee with little time is making more than I am. I have tried to put in for computer department openings or transfer to another department, but there are no openings. Needles to say I am placing my 2 weeks notice today and I am looking for a different employer. My question is,"Am I over reacting?"