
Am I over reacting to this rude person?

by  |  earlier

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So, there is a very good new bakery in my town that also makes sandwiches, and I started going there for lunch because there was a polite young man who made excellent sandwiches, but now he's gone and there is some bum who works there. Last time I went there he was sitting by the door and sort of grunted hello but did not get up. The girl who was busy baking had to make my sandwich. Then he came in and, with his back turned to me, said if there was anyone there he would get up, but since there was no one there, he wasn't going to bother. Now my logical mind says he must have meant "no one" means "not exactly a crowd" yet I felt this was so rude I never went back. Am I over reacting?




  1. no

  2. no. i'd be complaning to the manager. he needs  to be fired and learn some work ethic

  3. no you did fine

    he was a d**k

  4. it was very rude and you should inform the owner that you want to keep coming back but if they don't teach their staff some manners, you and a lot of other customers are gonna start looking elsewhere for lunch.

  5. He's ill mannered and should be reported to the owner.  

    Im sure the bakery girl doesnt like working with him either.

    The owner will be interested in his "comment" as its RUDE and will cause him to lose business.  

    # 1 Rule in life.. always talk to the wallet.

    It seems he wont get off his butt unless there is a worthwhile crowd, and thinks the girl cant handle it.

    He probably wasnt meaning you directly, but its plenty offensive.   I dont think he's very bright or mannerly.   I wouldve been personally offended.  

    Sometimes I think (even about my own new co-workers)

    " I know why this person was looking for a job ! "

  6. no... its not like you confronted him and if a bussiness is going to hire rude people they can expect to lose customers

  7. Nope

  8. I think what he might have meant if there was anyone else besides you there meaning a second person he would have gotten up. Not that you were unimportant. He was being extermely lazy and trying to make an excuse to the person baking. I would talk to the manger especially if you miss the food and want to continue going there. Good luck

  9. Not at all. If a business wants your money then the least you can expect is basic politeness. Their loss, but customer service is paramount, especially today with all the competition there is

  10. You are not over-reacting.  It is a business, and a certain amount of customer service is reasonable.  I have seen this sort of thing before, and I take my custom elsewhere when I do.

  11. go back and set him straight!

    complain to the owner!

  12. No, you aren't over reacting. That's his job, to wait on people. Sounds to me like he doesn't like his job, or he doesn't like to work. That's his problem tho and he shouldn't be acting like that. He chose to do this for a living and needs a serious talking too about his attitude. If he continues to act like this towards the customers they won't go back. I would suggest to talk with the owner or this guy's supervisor about this. He's going to drive business away with this kind of attitude.

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