
Am I over training, boxing question?

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I have been working out solid for the last three months or so. I practice for around three hours a day, five days a week. Usually I do 45 min. of cardio to start out, and then I move into weight lifting (different muscles on different days), then I box for a while. I shadow box with weighted gloves, hit a heavy bag, practice on a double end bag, and use a speed bag when I do train. I know this is a lot, but I have a goal.

I have had these pains in my body for a month or two. It's like there is something tearing under my skin on my sides and in my pecs when I move a certain way, bounce too hard, or if the skin gets pressed on in a certain way. Do you know what the pains might be? I've been working through them for a while, but they just seem to be getting worse. Should I go to the dr?




  1. i think your work ethic is great so the only thing i would keep it easy on is your weight lifting... dont think you have to go big to get results... remember, weight lifting is the tearing of the muscles so they can come back stronger

  2. not really but if you should mention your age because age and time are important factors when training since you are experiencing pain i would recommend you go to a doctor but it may mostly be a muscle tear or stretch

  3. Sound like sore intercostal muscles.  And yes you are overtraining.  To train until your body breaks down doesn't make you a might just be a little sore today but what happens if you go to use you pecs tommorow and because its already strained you tear it to the point of no focused will you stay.  Take a couple days off read some books and watch movies on boxing and get back to it.  You can always get better and you don't have to be in the gym all the time.  Train as hard as your body will allow but no further.  

    Look into glutamine

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