
Am I overracting? Past miscarriage and now 13 weeks along... PLEASE READ?

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Ok so I miscarried my 1st child in the 1st trimester. Went on to become pregnant again (twice) and have 2 healthy children. This is now my 3rd pregnancy since the original miscarriage. I'll be 13 weeks Tuesday. Here's whats going on:

I'm having cramping on and off a lot the past week (feels almost like contractions).

The "morning sickness" I got with both prior pregnancies isn't there - it only comes at night and is gone by morning.

I have been TRYING to use a bebesounds doppler and cannot find a heartbeat OR hear anything in my uterus.

I just don't feel pregnant.

I've felt something was wrong from day one...

I have an appointment tomorrow but i'm really worried. The ob i go to only give 1 ultrsound (which was given at my last appointment so I wont get another one unless they think I need one....

I'm just worried that something is wrong. Also at my last appointment I had lost 10lbs.

does it sound like something could be wrong? Or have any of you experienced similar??

Thanks so much!!




  1. Every pregnancy is different so your different symptoms may not mean something is wrong.  Try to relax.  Home dopplers can be difficult to use.  You may want to call your Dr with your concern.  As long as your doctor monitors the baby's heart beat whenever you have an appointment, you should be fine.

  2. It sounds to me like you're just really worried.  Mild cramping is normal because your uterus is stretching (you probably know this since you have 2 kids).  You might not be using the doppler right or maybe something is wrong with the doppler.  Every pregnancy is different so that probably explains your lack of morning sickness.  And it IS normal to lose weight in the first trimester.  Still though, I wish you the best of luck at your appointment tomorrow.  I hope everything goes well. Good luck!  

  3. i think your just worried because you have lost before, but it doesnt sound like anything to be worried about at all. the cramping is normal if its mild, its just your uterus growing..unless they get worse or you start to bleed of course..and not beign able to find the heartbeat could simply mean your babys in a weird position. I think you and your baby are fine, i would stop worrying because stress is so horrible when pregnant, the stress is more fatal than anything! just relax and hopefuly when your OB says your doing fine aswell tommorrow, that will calm your nerves :) congrats!

  4. If you want an ultrasound that is your right and you can push to have it done. They all say that the mothers instinct is one of the best tests available when trying to figure out if bub is healthy or not (unfortunately fears get confused with instincts alot). You are the best judge of your body and your pregnancy and while it's very normal to be scared after having had a previous miscarriage (even if you've since carried healthy pregnancies) you sound alot more than just scared to me. That said, I don't want you to panic either. Morning sickness for starters is not a given every pregnancy is different even those of your own you don't need to get morning sickness. How long ago was your ultrasound? If you're nearly 13weeks then I'd imagine it can't of been that long ago, was everything healthy then? It could very well be that it's just a completely different pregnancy in every way to your others which has you frightened and you may well be perfectly fine. However I would push and push for an ultrasound as you are entitled to it. Don't stress about the doppler not working either they can be very difficult to hear on them sometimes it depends alot on bubs positioning. Good luck I'm praying for you

  5. Maybe they'll give you another one if you explain your situation? Explain that something doesn't feel right and you have a miscarriage in your history.

    I hope your baby is fine and healthy.  

  6. My third has been a lot different than my first two... don't stress out, that will cause more harm.  I also have had several miscarriages but normally they were within the first 6-8 weeks...  I didn't have morning sickness and also lost a ton of weight.  

    I am now 33 weeks!  So please don't stress, and just insist to your doctor that you want an ultra sound. Good luck

  7. After 12 weeks into your pregnancy the chance of having a miscarriage goes down tremendously. So don't stress. I know waiting is a hard thing to do but nobody can give you an accurate answer except your doctor. GOOD LUCK. Keep me posted.  

  8. Some cramping is fairly normal, esp if its more of a pain on your sides (round ligament pain) which can be severe and frightening when you have had previous miscarraiges.  At 13 weeks you won't be able to hear the heart beat on a bebe heart monitor because they are really cheap and usually don't pick up heartbeats until around the 6-7 month and in my case I am almost 38 weeks pregnant and I have to work sometimes for a hour to pick up the heartbeat.  At 13 weeks you should be losing most of your symptoms because the hormones are leveling out, shouldn't be long now before you start feeling your baby move.  Perhaps you should try to find another dr if you can to give you another ultrasound, especially since a mid pregnancy ultrasound is pretty important in measuring your baby and monitoring its well being.  I wish you much luck, try not to stress too much! God Bless!

  9. im 30 weeks now and i still cant hear the baby's heartbeat with my home doppler. i think u are fine. but go to the doctor if you are worried.

  10. EXACTLY the sme thing happened tome... all details. I have a 3 month old now(from that pregnancy)... good luck

  11. you need to ask your doctor again and beg him to give you another ultra sound tell your man to go with you or someone you trust . and tell the doctor your scared good luck ok hope it goes well for you i will say a extra pray don't know for sure myself about this  

  12. explain to the doc you think something is wrong and he may do another scan. i had 2 healthy babies then a miscarriage. i'm now 25weeks with my 3rd healthy baby. if you miscarry that is usually the body's way of saying that there was an abnormality with the baby.  

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