
Am I overreacting or do you think this is crazy too?

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My daughter will turn 3 in July and we have been told the nursery in our catchment area is full and she will not get in until next august. My 5 year old starts primary 1 at this school in august. Now I am having to take my younger daughter to another nursery 2 miles away as well as do the school run.

This is the maddening part - as preschool nursery is not catchment based, my daughter has not got a place because there are kids from all over given priority cos they are older. This means a child from a town 7 miles away has a place but my daughter who lives 200 yards from school doesn't!

Every 4 weeks I get letters asking parents to walk to school & nursery with kids - how can I when I have to take my daughter to nursery in another catchment then my older daughter to another school. Surely they should make it all catchment?

The nursery & school are great so people applies for kids to go there but hey I paid over the odds for the house so I was in ctachment and now what for?




  1. happens and your child is only 3.  I'm sure they have a policy about who is enrolled and children entering into Kindergarten the next year will get first dibs.  However, since you have your paperwork sounds like she will get in at 4 years old.  That's good!  Bummer for this year.  Hope it all works out for you!

  2. It is a private owned preschool/nursery or ran by LEA (local ed authority)/part of a primary school? If it's private then they may have an equality policy that says it goes by date of birth which means any children who are older than your daughter will be in their first, or are they maybe one of those annoying places that do it first come first served? If its first come first served then I would probably complain to ofsted or to the management as its not a fair way of entry!

    Unfortunately nuseries/preschools are only allowed a certain amount of children depending on size and bumber of adults so I'm sure they havent done it delibaretly.  Maybe you can speak to the manager and be on the waiting list for if someone leaves?

  3. The same thing happened to a family at my primary school who lived within walking distance of the school.

    the older sister was already at the school, but the younger sister's place was given to annother girl, because her family owned an interior design company and they were very rich, even though they lived miles away.

    So the poor girl's mother had to drive her youngest daughter to a school miles away.

    i think you should contact the school's board of governers and if that fails maybe give a local politician or newspaper a call...

    That may change the nurseries mind!

  4. I think you are overreacting just a bit. 2 miles is not that far to drive to get to school. I would be upset if it was 10 or 20 miles away, but not 2 miles. It maybe a little bit of an inconvenience for you to take your younger daughter to school 2 miles away, but it's not really something I would get upset over.

  5. chill out that's nothing compared to me

    i live 10 miles away from school and that is the only public school choice i have im in seventh grade

    my brother is 10 miles away from school in the same direction as my school but his bus comes later and he's in fourth grade

    my youngest brothers school is a little farther and his bus comes 10 min after mine and we 3 all go to different schools

    my youngest brother is in kindergarten

    when he went to nursery school he went the total opppsite way as us and got driven

    now the highschool bus comes at 6:30 which i ride every other day because of orchestra

    when we come back home it is the highschoolers who come first my youngest brother next

    me next but sometimes i have an afterschool activity till 4 or 6 which they have a bus for

    next is my brother who comes and so neither me or my brother can pick up the youngest one form the bus and my dad and mom work so they have to hire a highschooler who is already picking up the young kids in our neighborhood

  6. your overreacting..just a bit... it is okay, it is nursery school.

  7. relax :)

  8. Yep, this is anoying

  9. I would return their letters with a statement as to just what you have said here and i would also go to the nursery and talk to the top person over it and state it also then i might even call the media about the distance of children that attend and mine can't i would fight it tooth n nail before i took no for an answer but that is how i am not all people would go to that length Good luck in what ever you do but i would do something.

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