
Am I overthinking this...?

by Guest63355  |  earlier

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My boyfriend has pics of him and his exs on his myspace page. He says they are just friends, but some of the pics and captions dont sound like that.

What should i do?




  1. it seems like hes trying to make you jealous. and thats very immature.

    perhaps you should confront him about it, if he acts defensive about it then there is probably something going on between him and his exes. but if you ask him about it and he sincerely says that there is nothing going on then try not to worry about it too much. if it continues to worry you though, i honestly think you should just end it with him because if he cant be happy with just you then hes not worth it. you dont need the pain and drama in your life.

  2. well idont thnk he should have any pics of his x girl there should be pics of you and him i not saying he cant be friends with her but she is the pass she shouldnt come first you should they have a pass together he should be more understanding to your feelings he wouldnt like it if you had pics of your x boyfriends on your page ....are you sure she is his x ?....

  3. Depends what they say...

  4. If he really loved you, he would got over his ex and be your next :) That's not fair that he puts pix of his ex and maybe say something you don't want to see.  Tell him how you really feel about that. Tell him the type you really are. It's better to have an open relationship than close, otherwise you guys won't get anywhere.

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