
Am I overweight or just fine?

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I am 17, 5'1, and weigh about 138 I over weight and if I am how much weight do I need to lose?




  1. No matter what anyone tells you, you only need to lose a few pounds. It depends on your muscle mass. If it is big, then you are fine.

  2. Well i weigh just over that, and Im 5'11. I wouldnt say ur fat, but for height that may be a little much. Search google for a weight calculator, and see wat a good weight for ur height is. To lose weight fast, it is best to do Cardio, as in running. And stick to low calorie dense foods.

  3. yeh u r u should get healier

  4. Don't worry about how much you lose, but more about turning fat into muscle. But no more than 10 pounds. Thats probably even to much.

  5. You're fine.  There's absolutely nothing wrong with you.  

  6. well i am 13 5'1 and weigh 105 pounds exacly so i guess not as you are 17 but are you male or female ? males are always bigger i am female  

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