
Am I overweight?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 14, soon to be 15, and I'm 5 feet and weigh 123 pounds. Some of it may be muscle, I've played 9 years of soccer.

Please be honest.




  1. WHAT ?!

    you are NOT overweight.

    123 pounds ,  definatly not.  ...

    other  people who might say you are ... but  i really dont think you should listen to them.  You should be happy with how much you weigh...  and you probably do have muscle, and theres no use trying to lose weight  if it is.  because  then you might get carried away and frustrated with your body ,  and think " whats wrong im trying my best to lose weight but its not going anywhere"  and  nobody wants that to happen.,

  2. No...Muscle weighs more than fat.

  3. your probably just fine, bmi isnt very acurate in children, and soccer is very good for keeping in shape so most of its probably muscle, and at risk is a generic term for "we want you to be an anorexic health freak so well say your almost fat so you buy something to make you skinny", as long as your happy with yourself and can climb a few flights of stairs and only be a little winded, your not fat at all

  4. You sounfd fine. Muscle weight is great weight. Stay with it.

    Good Luck

  5. no ur just rite ur just kinda inceasure and excuse my spelling sorry if i offend i am just ben honest

  6. Maybe just a little.I think if you loose 5 pounds you'd be just perfect,

  7. nope perfect! =)

  8. No, your perfectly fine. Don't worry bout it.

    BMI's aren't the best thing, they don't take into consideration Bone Mass, or Muscle Mass

  9. NO not at all. You are too young to be worrying about that. You still have some growing to do.

  10. i think if you are really concerned you should ask your doctor but i think you are at a healthy weight

  11. Pounds doesn't determine being overweight.  The percentage of body fat that you have does.  Many athletes weigh more because they have more muscle than others.  Muscle weighs more than fat.  The only way you will know is if you have your BMI calculated.  I know a girl who is a gymnast and is about your size.  She is solid as a rock.  I also know another girl who does nothing and is 5'1 about 125 and looks a little chunky.  It just depends on your body and what kind of shape you are in.

    I will add that right now you are going to start seeing more development in your body, curves and bigger b****.  Try not to worry about your weight right now.  Sometimes mother nature lets you gain a little to view the new you.

  12. No your not overweight at all. Don't worry about it. That is a really good weight to be at. If you want to check still though if you google bmi on google you can enter your height and weight and they'll tell you what percentile your in. Hope this helps. I just did it for you and it said you are in the normal range. So no worries. You are NOT overweight and please don't do anything drastic to try to lose weight. Muscle weight is really good and it helps you burn more calories throughout the day. Just continue to stay active and eat right and you'll be fine.

  13. When I was 15, I was 5'3" and weighed 100 pounds, so at only 5 ft., maybe you should weigh 100-110 at most. Athlete girls tend to be bigger though from all that work. I was a dancer, but didn't have huge muscles. Watch your calorie intake and do cardio work outs in additon to your usual sports.
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