
Am I overweight?Help?

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I am 120ish, 12 1/2 years old, and 5"4 or 5.

How much should I weigh? Whats a good way to excercise?




  1. well you should weight about 115 or 110...well you can walk everyday and eat a gym

  2. You're not like obese but you could loose like 5lbs. Try eating healthy and like take up something like walking or jogging or something like that.

  3. Don't worry you are not over weight! Everybody has a set point weight that their body goes to when they are eating and exercising healthily. Don't worry about numbers on the scale, you are only 12! Try to think of what is feels healthy to you. Exersice is great way to imporove your fitness and energy levels. Find something thats fun and enjoyable for you. Maybe joining a club or team at school. Go for a walk or bike ride around your city. Invite friends or family too, make it fun. Try swimming laps at your local public pool.

    -just remember that most of the female celebraties today are at a unhealthy wieght. The lives they live to stay so skinny and "perfect" is totally unrealistic.  

  4. u are perfect weight.  115 would probably be average.  

  5. No you're not overweight. If you want to exercise, I suggest finding an activity that you really enjoy. Do you like to dance or are there any sports that interest you? Get yourself involved in something you've always wanted to try and you'll be exercising and enjoying it before you know it!

  6. you are not overweight.

    your are tall for your age and weigh about the perfect amount, maybe a little underweight actually.

    you are young tho, dont worry about your weight. just enjoy life!

    eat from all the food groups each day and youll stay healthy.
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