
Am I part Jewish?

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If my grand father (on my fathers side) was a Romanian Jew but my grand ma was German. Also if Judaism is a religion how can I be part Jewish if I am not even religious... Do I tell people I have Jewish blood in me or do I say Romanian? Because to be honest I don't want to be associated with any religion!




  1. Yes you are part Jewish if your Romanian Jewish grandfather was ethnically Jewish. Probably of Ashkenazi descent I assume.

    Being Jewish either means you practice judaism, you are of Jewish ethnic descent, or both of those.

  2. Jews beleive that you truly cannot be Jewish unless your mother is.

  3. Then why bother with even caring? If religion is that big an issue for you, just say you are part Romanian.

    Personally, I think it's sad that you would throw away part of your heritage like that. Being Jewish is more than a religion, it's cultural and it's a rich, beautiful culture too. But, if you are like some others who just hate religion that much, pretend your grandfather was NOT a Jew and never self-identify as a Jew. Trust me, other Jews won't care that you aren't with them.

  4. romanian well be enough.

  5. Jewish is a religion. You have hebrew blood. If you don't want to be associated  with being jewish or romanian then don't. Say that you are neither. It is your choice. But, I think that it is  sad to see someone who denies their roots.

  6. only if you think you response to jenna above you can be both ethnically and/or religiously Jewish.

  7. No your not jewish at all. "Jewish" Is a religion and also the name for people from Jeruselam. If you do not have Ancestry from jeruselam and you do not bieleve in the religion than you are not Jewish.

  8. Jedusim isn't a race. It's a religion.

  9. Tell them whatever you want.  It doesn't really matter because most people know very little about their ancestry as a whole.  Many people don't even know the maiden names of their grandmothers and that's just a couple of generations.  Think of all the generations before that and all of your ancestors.

  10. Ok - I'm Jewish.  To another Jew, a Jewish person is anyone whose MOTHER was Jewish, or who converts to Judaism.  There are lots of Jews who are not religious at all; that part IS religion, and the definitions are part of Jewish law.  As far as we are concerned, there's no such thing as a "part-Jewish" person - either you are, or you aren't.  By Jewish law, you are not "Jewish" in THAT sense.

    That said, if you have Jewish forebears, then the best way to say it is that you have "Jewish ancestry."  Most people who are religiously Jewish are also people of Jewish ancestry; however, just because you have Jewish ancestry doesn't necessarily mean that you believe in Judaism or any other religion.

  11. your what you want to be you grandfather dosent choose your religeon YOU DO!!

  12. Well what does it matter what your ansisors were. I mean you chose your own path in life. If you say no religion, then you are not religious. But having a jewish grand father is not a bad thing. I do not get peoples problems with Jewish people. Just say you are who you are. Your Romanian and German, thats where yuor roots lye, not your faith.

  13. Actually, it seems that both is correct, you have the blood of a Jewish Romanian and Jewish blood. But, the thing that you have to look is your faith. Your faith is what you believe on. if you are a Christian, then you are a follower of Jesus Christ. If you are a Judaism, you believe that the word of God is the word of a prophet. If your Hinduism, you believe in reincarnation.

  14. you aren't jewish because your mother is not jewish therefor you are part romanian

  15. Orthodox and Conservative Judaism defines a Jew by the mother not the father.

    They state they get the nation from the mother and the tribe  from the father.  If they don't have a Jewish father they belong to the tribe of the nearest male relative on the mother's side of the family.  Whereas if they don't have a Jewish mother, they aren't Jewish.

    Reform Jews define it differently.

  16. lol,  please there has been times when you prayed to God to help you and there will be many more.  Its cowardly to renounce him when you are safe and not in trouble.

  17. dude i am romanian.. haha.. geez we could be compatriots lol.

    you just say you are 25% romanian if you don't want to be associated with any religion. i have a friend who is part jewish and she always tells people about it.. but if you don't want to just tell them your grandfather came from dracula's country.

  18. Oy Vey! Darling, that's just your ancestry. You are who you are. You aren't a Jew if you weren't raised one. My ancestors were Quakers, that doesn't make want to make oat meal. :)  Don't worry... You are you! Define yourself as you see fit, or better yet, don't define yourself at all.

  19. you def are part jewish. but that doesn't mean you have to practice it. if anyone asks you, you say romanian jew tho since there are so many other forms

  20. That's like me saying that I'm half Catholic and half Hindu.

    I suppose one can be both religions. I don't see anything wrong with that. By the way. There's no such thing as Jewish Blood. Judaism is a religion and not an ethnicity.

  21. you cant really have jewish blood in you because jewish isnt how u r born it is a religion.

    or something..

    maybe i hav no clue of what im talking about...

  22. Jews are unique because they are not only a religion, but an ethnic group. so yes you are part jewish

  23. Why tell them anything? If you must say something say German and Romanian

  24. One thing that jews have never figured out is whether jewishness is a race or a religion.  This is a question that has been debated for hundreds of years and no one is about to settle it now.  If you consider jewishness to be a race then perhaps you are; if you consider it a religion then that is something else entirely.  Unfortunately this is one of those questions with no definitive answer.

  25. Judaism's a Religion, you make it sound like a race.

    and i think you are only jewish if your mother is jewish

  26. You say what country your family originated from. Religion has nothing to do with it. If you're going to say Romanian/Jewish and German/(Catholic?) that would be ridiculous. No one wants to hear what religion your family was/is unless they ask. And if you're not religious then tell them that.

    Religion is a faith not a biological trait that can be passed on through DNA. You're not Jewish unless you practice that religion, you're Romanian/German.

    Hope this helps.

  27. You can be a Jew racially without being Jewish religiously.  It is actually a race and a religion.
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