
Am I paying too much in taxes???

by  |  earlier

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My income is ~63k and I paid $8500 in federal taxes. So that adds up to ~ 13.5% of my income going to federal taxes. Which is fine...I have 3 exemptions (for some reason my exemptions is 3 but I have no dependents). But my refund after filing taxes is only ~$300 after filing through turbo tax online? I don't have any deductions or credit to claim so I was thinking this is reasonable? But seems like everyone around is me is getting large refunds. There is no state income tax here in Texas.




  1. Seems like you are doing it right, as long as you don't owe.

  2. Remember what a refund is.  It is the government just giving you back your own money.  It is like getting change back at the store.  If we each buy a $5 item and you pay with a $20 bill and I pay with a $50 dollar bill, you would get $15 back and I would get $45 back.  Am I any better off than you?  No.

    People who get large refunds are having too much withheld.

    Where you are at is perfect.

  3. This is the ideal place to be in. Your taxes are about right. People around you will have different situations? Own a home, children, married? Lots of factors.

  4. hello - you are doing it right.  (your friends are paying too much and then getting it back)  you always want the IRS to owe you a little ($100-300) or you to owe them a little ($100-300).  If they owe you alot you just gave them an interest free loan for 1-12 months, and better for you to have then money to save or whatever than for it to sit somewhere not getting interest.  So the goal should be to net out at $0 - which pretty much never happens, but a little either way is perfect.  Good job.

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