
Am I paying too much rent?

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I just finished University and want to save some money... do you think it's a bit excessive for my parents to be charging $500.00 per month in rent? I work 20-40 hours per week and employment is really hard to find in my city, so I'm pretty fortunate to have the job I do (I make almost 20/hour). On top of that I have phone bills,tuition payments car payments (transit system is terrible), gas, insurance, etc etc. So I'm having a really hard time saving anything. Just want to know if the $500.00 a month is excessive - none of my friends have to pay their parents rent like that!




  1. If you live in an area that has a high cost of living, you are getting off cheap.  I live in an area that has a moderate cost of living, and it's common for rent for a room to cost $500 or more, depending on the house and the part of town.  So, I'm afraid all I can say is welcome to adulthood.

  2. that's all inclusive, I think its quite fair

  3. ur parents r cheating u they r just trying to keep your money so they dont waste their money. my sister she is on tight budgets she lives in those houses where one person lives in the basement and one lives at the top and she only pays 300 a month;...

  4. you are an adult living with your parents...yeah i think $500 is about right.

  5. my parents charge my brothers $350 each for the down stairs which includes 1 living room 1bathroom and they each get 1 room (they eat up stairs with us).

  6. Hi. It really depends how old you are. I pay my mum about the same (I'm in the uk). I think that as an adult you need to pay your own way, they have supported you for all these years so I think you should pay rent. How much would it be if you were renting by yourself or in a house share? I know that in the UK to have a room is £400 per month on average $800 ish plus council tax and bills on top so if I'm only paying me mum £250 I've got a pretty good deal. I too am in a low paid job. If I was earning more and still wanted to live at home I would increase the money I give her. I have friends who don't pay anything but at the end of the day they are not being taught about the reality of the cost of living!

  7. Not trying to be man but if you feel that you are paying too much for rent then you can alays move out and pay for rent at a apt/house and pay alot more. You are a adult  and living with your parents, you should pay for something ....think about it. If you are at the house eating food, takign showers, usuing the electric and other things. Do you think that stuff is free.

    I work , go to school, have 2 full time jobs. And live alone. The things that you are going through it's called life, growing up and reality. So you should think about dealing with it and be thankful. Good Luck

  8. tell your parents that today's economy isnt what it was when they were young and everything is super expensive and if they keep charing you so much you wont be able to afford to move out!

    maybe thats what they want?

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