I had my period for the month of May.
But, now I am having:
. Frequent Urination
. A crampy feeling when I sit down to pee or anything & it started today after I went to the bathroom
. I am tired constantly
. I am eating constantly.. I can only go about 1-2 hours without food & I eat big meals each time, also.
. If I don't eat within that 1-2 hours, It becomes almost unbearable to wait to eat. It's crazy.
. I have a round belly, but that is usual for me, but lately it has been harder.
. I have a pulled muscle feeling in my lower abdomen, which only lasted for 1-2 days, stopped & then started again for about 1-2 days.
So, most people said that if you have a pulled muscle feeling that it is usually the 2nd trimester.
I took a pregnancy test in May & it said negative. So, what I am confused about is:
Am I possibly pregnant?
Can you get the pulled muscle feeling in EARLY pregnancy such as the 1st trimester?