
Am I pregnant, I really hope so but don't want to get too excited just yet???

by  |  earlier

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We are trying for a bub and were baby dancing when I was ovulating. My period is due today and on thursday I just got some very light discharge but it was a kinda pinky colour so i thought that was my period starting so i took a test because i couldn't wait any longer and it was negative. I was upset but then ate some brie and had some wine to make me feel a bit better and thought well we'll just keep trying next month and then this morning i have taken two pregnancy tests and they both had a faint line. The test said to wait between 3 and 10 minutes and it did take until the last 2 minutes to show up the faint line.

I don't want to get excited just yet as it still feels like my period is coming!

What do you guys think???




  1. now here is one i can answer in confidence will all three of my pregnancys there has been a very very feint line , this is because if implantation ha only occured recently hcg levels are not high enough to make the line dark. HCG levels double every two days so take the test again in a couple of days but i can tell you now that if there is any second line no matter how feint you are PREGNANT so congratulations !!!!!

  2. im 38 weeks and my test was VERY faint. but a line is a line. try again tomorrow. good luck!

  3. Sounds like you are pregnant!!  Your levels may have not been high enough the other day.  They will double every day so in a day or two you should have a bright line.  Feeling like your period is coming is a sign of pregnancy.

    Congrats and no more brie or wine for nine months!

  4. my friend had a faint pink line.  hers was positive positive

  5. Even a faint line is a positive.  I would buy a digital one to confirm, but I am sure that you are pregnant.  Congratulations!!

  6. Yeps! You're pregnant. The pink discharge you experienced was likely implantation bleeding. I don't even know you but I'm so happy for you!! Sprinkle some of that baby dust this way!

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