
Am I pregnant ? Answer Urgently?

by  |  earlier

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hey u guys,

I took a pregnancy test about 2weeks ago and the first one was positive then I took another to and they were both negative, now my period is a week late... Could I be pregnant?




  1. you could be, go to the ER and have them run a blood test... good luck to you

  2. You might be... get another preggo test and maybe wait another week... if you dont want to do that, yea get a blood test

    answer my q back please?

  3. You could be...get a blood test done to know for sure

  4. Yes you probably are, tests are not entirely effective before the missed period

  5. After reading your question carefully, it can be easily concluded that the first test was False Positive, the rest 2 are correct.

    One  week delay is not a big deal as in case of anxiety hormonal feed back stops.

    I think, you better undergo standard Pregnancy tests as advised by your doctor.

    Symptoms mimicking pregnancy can be due to anxiety.

  6. Sounds like you could be, I suggest you get a blood test already and stop living with suspense, its the only true answer you will get

  7. go to the doctor cause no computer can tell u if u are pregnant.  A hello Common Sence

  8. The only way to know for sure is to go to a doctor and have a test done.

  9. hpts are not completely reliable take a blood test. you could also check for pregnancy symptoms at

  10. If you tested with different brands, sometimes they pick up on different levels of hcg.  Try taking a walmart equate test (they pick up on a small amount) and use it with first morning urine, or hold it for 4 hours before you take it.  That will allow time for the hcg to build up.  Good luck and congrats!

  11. Wait another week to take a test. Sometimes it takes a couple of weeks after a missed period for the home tests to detect the hormone that's released during pregnancy. If you're still not sure, go to the doc and get the bloodwork done. That's the most definitive way to find out the result. It could also be a case that you're stressing yourself out about it so much that your mind is tricking your body into thinking it's pregnant. I've done that before and as soon as I take the test at the right time, I get my period the next day. Hope your ok w/ whatever the outcome is!!! Good luck!  

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