
Am I pregnant? HELP?

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Okay i had unprotected s*x about thursday at like 1 A.m. he pulledo ut then came. i took a emergency contraception pill 18 hours later. will i be fine? i took all my emergency contraception pills. plus ive been on birth control about 4 months ive just decided to stop this month it was unexpected. my period comes around the begginginging of the month will it like be late?




  1. You won't know if your pregnant until your period comes. You are too young to be having unprotected s*x even if he "pulls out" For example. I am pregnant right now and my fiance and I were having the whole I will pull out s*x act and I ended up pregnant with my second. But for me it was okay. For are only 15 and have a lot of childhood left to be having unprotected s*x. All I can say is good luck and you will have to wait and see if your period comes.

  2. STD awareness! is there not enough out there??? if you must have s*x, USE CONDOMS! you are too young for pregnancy, but no one needs to get a disease!

  3. If you can't deal with the possibilities, then don't have s*x.

  4. Luckily I we had finish our antepartal lesson..i can share u some.

    The sperm can travel, in your uterus for about 4-6 hours.

    And the contraceptive pills can be effective if it is in a right dose.

    Fertilization can occur for about 1 week, and the first sign of pregnancy is tingling sensation of the breast, urinary frequency and nausea/vomiting. Just observe yourself first. Further cessation of menses about 3 months can be presumptive sign of pregnancy.

    And pregnancy test can be applicable for 3 months pregnant or 60-100 days after the intercourse.  

    If your pregnant just accept the baby..(^_^)..there's nothing wrong if its the fruit of your love.

  5. Chances are you most likely are not pregnant, but there is still a chance that you could be pregnant even being on birth control.

  6. well , chances are that u will not be pregnant.  However u need to consult the doctor.
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