
Am I pregnant?? What do you think??

by  |  earlier

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Ok so with my birth control I messed up on the pills. So I did what the instructions said and took Sun/Mon pills on Tuesday and Tues/Wed's pills on Wednesday. So I got caught up. I just started the new pack on that Sunday and already messed up. I had s*x the Thurs. after I started my pills....unprotected. I finally found my instructions and it said if you have s*x 7 days after you start a new pack and mess up on pills you could become pregant so use backup. I didn't use back up. I've been feeling very sick lately. I did take a test last Sat. and it was negative but I think it was way too soon b/c I just had my period June 10th but I was off my period when I had s*x. Has anybody gone through this same situation and could give advice?




  1. It would help to know some dates on when you took the pills and what date you had s*x---BUT anyway, if you started your period on June 10th, you are only on day 14 of your cycle.  Most cycles run around 28-32 days, so it is WAY too soon to know if you are pregnant.  I would also think that your messing up on Sunday-Monday, Tuesday-Wednesday pills would not allow enough time for an egg to develop and be released on Thursday.  I would guess that you are stressed and worried about being pregnant, and that is causing you to feel sick.  I wouldn't worry, but I'd abstain from drinking, smoking, drugs, etc. in case you were.  You could probably take a test by the 7th or 8th of July, if your period hasn't started by then.  Good luck!

  2. Well, if you had your last period was June 10th, and you're normally a 28 day cycle, then you wouldnt have ovulated till June 24th... which is tomorrow... You had s*x last thursday? If so, sperm can live in you for up to 5 days, so technically, its possible that the sperm could still be alive in time for your possible ovulation tomorrow.... but its unlikely...

    Just try to be more careful in the future.

  3. i have never heard instructions on that at all ur not suppose to take the ones u missed ur suppose to just leave them it doesnt sound like ur. r u tryin to become pregnant? if u are then y r u on the pilll?

  4. I've never heard of instructions like that - what pills are you taking?

    Also, how long have you been taking them?

    If it's been more than 2-3 months, you should be fine. The hormones are still raging in your body.

  5. honey ever if you are on birth control you can still get pregnant. I was on birth contrl when i got pregnant at 16 and a half with my first. but things worked out great cus i'm now happily married to her daddy and we are having our 2nd. girl in Septmber

                 GOOD LUCK

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