
Am I pregnant? or can I relax?

by  |  earlier

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the thing is, I had s*x and because I wasnt taking my anticonceptives I had to take the after day pill. after taking the after day pill my menstruation came 1 week after, the 5th day of the menses I started to take the anticonceptives again. on the 3rd day of taking anticonceptives I had s*x, we used a condom and it didnt break. the only strange thing or maybe not is that when we stopped to check the condom I noticed that it had slided down, it didnt come off or didnt stay inside me, it was still in his p***s just a few cms slided down, so after this do I have a chande of being pregnant?

when we stopped he didnt ejaculate when I saw the condom was slided he still had an erection and at the end we checked it again to see if it was broken but it was perfet and his fluids were at the top (the small compartment"

am i safe?




  1. I would say ur pretty safe there....

  2. yea you're probably fine

  3. oh yes i think you are perfectly fine,you can relax, becuz u are taking ur anticonceptives there is no chance in being pregnant,but dont worry you can relax, exspecially since neither of u went, he didnt ***, there is no way you can be pregnant, relax!!!!  

  4. yea you're fine just relax because you could probably miss your next period just being so stressed about it and think you're pregnant when you're not.

  5. Prob. safe....but if you are not ready for a child----don't risk having un safe s*x....i am not saying don't have s*x because you have obviously made your own decision....but make sure you are careful---the morning after pill was intended to help rape victims who were insiminated with their rapist sperm....not irresponsible girls.

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