
Am I pregnent?I had s*x with my boyfriend just after 1 day of my period, I took I Pill after 4 hours?

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Am I pregnent?I had s*x with my boyfriend just after 1 day of my period, I took I Pill after 4 hours?Even he didn,t ejaculated in me. I had bleeding for 2 days after taking I Pill. And now my period is 8 days late. I am tensed. Is there any other reson other than pregnancy which caused the delay. Please help me,




  1. Hi,

    No you are not pregnent. You had s*x on after 1 day of your period which is the safe period ( 5 days after and before period are the safe period for s*x) . Your delay my be because of your over worry.

    Enjoy Life  

  2. This is very peculier situation with you babes,first you enjoy the s*x throughly and then you are worried due to impending pregnancy .Now to know what is what go to gynecologist and settle the issue .Remember in future have s*x but take pills and insist your BF to use condom and enjoy tension free life . Give this advise to your all friends too. You got it right baby.

  3. In your case, there is a very very little chance of pregnancy,


    (i)You had s*x just after one day from period ( normally fertility  period falls 14 to 15 days after the period,if the cycle is regular and of 28 to 30 days.)

    (ii)Your partner did not ejaculate in the v****a.

    (iii) You had taken the pill within four hours you had s*x.

    Now your period is late by 8 days it may be due to contraceptive pill you had  taken or may be it was your first sexual experience ( in some cases it happens)

    Even then if you are worried, get a pregnancy test kit and check yourself. many are easily  availablein the market and also easy to use.

    Baby, next time when you go for it do with protection.

  4. was it the plan b pill? if so, it tends to throw off your period.

  5. There is something called a Home Pregnancy Test Kit?

  6. If you had your period then your not pregnant .

    & other then that, go see your doctor,

    & youre going to just have to wait and see !

  7. Go and get a complete medical checkup from a good doctor.

  8. i wud kill it inside of me..if theres time.....i dont want to ruend my life with a human creature in my body..

  9. If he has not ejaculated into ur v****a then u cannot become pregnant.

    Also there is no chance of getting pregnant if u have had s*x jst one day after ur periods....

    U have consumed a pill also...

    then don't get tensed up..relax no chance of pregnancy

    Ask ur boyfrend to use a condom from next time...Don't go for unprotected s*x and then get into unnecessary worries.

  10. It is very unlikely you get pregnant if you have s*x in the first week soon after periods. You have also taken Ipill within 24 hours. The manufactures claim If you take the ipill within 24 hours of unprotected s*x, it is 95% effective. Hence, I feel the chances of getting pregnant is very remote. The delay may be due to some other reason.

  11. well according to my experience u r not pregnant.

    my gf too took morning after pill and after that her periods were disturbed for 2 months but then tey got on track back.

    actually the pill breaks ur cycle prematurely and so ur cycle is rescheduled.

    since u even had bleeding after the pill and ur bf even didn't ejaculated no need to worry.

  12. How come he didn't ejaculate inside? If you have taken i pill then there is nothing to worry. Anyway, consult a Gynaecologist so that all your doubts will be cleared.

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