
Am I prego or no?? Just curious!!...?

by  |  earlier

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me and my fiance' is trying to conceive. I recently went to my OB/GYN and informed him of our decisions. I have calculated former cycles to be 28 days ovulating around day 14. My doctor has agreed. I had my last period July 23rd. 2008, a new cycle would have started on the 19th. and as you can see it's the 24th. Does this mean a good chance of being prego and a home test should be accurate or am I over exaggerating?




  1. If your 5 days late its definitely time to test! Good luck!

  2. You could definitely be Prego!! Time to take the test. Good luck to you! I hope you get everything your wishing for.

    Lots of baby dust to you and the rest of us!!  

  3. Anything is possible, just take a test and you will hopefully find out the answer you have been waiting for. Take care Mommy to be..  

  4. If your period is late, it's time to test.

  5. Time to test for sure...

    good luck!

  6. Absolutely go and get yourself a test! I recommend ClearBlue or FirstResponse for ease of use, but any brand will give you what you need to see. From the day of your missed period, urine tests should be able to detect an average HGC level of 100mui, where a line will appear for a positive result with just 20mui in many cases, you now have a brilliant chance of testing accurately. They say, the longer you wait it out to test - the more you can rely on the result.

    It's very common also to have false negatives, but false positives just don't happen unless there is something wrong with the test itself. GOOD LUCK!!

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