
Am I qualified for the Peace Corp.?

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I would really like to join the Peace Corp. I'm really interested in helping others. I'm about to go into my fifth year of spanish (although im still in high school). I work with little kids (even special ed. ones), and would like to work with them in the near future. I am planning on getting my college degree in education, and am highly motivated. But i know that the application process is quite difficult. and was wondering if i had a chance?




  1. I think you just have to be over 18 really, to be considered.

    The job will be tough.  Count on that.

  2. All you need for the peace corps are rich, liberal parents.

  3. You need to get some local volunteering under your belt as well. Volunteering with Spanish-speaking clients, for instance. You want to pursue leadership opportunities, where you are the lead coordinator for a project or program, either through your university activities or through volunteering. The Peace Corps wants to know that you can work on your own, with very diverse groups of people.

    I have this web page that offers advice for people wanting to volunteer with the Peace Corps or other long-term placement agencies. The Peace Corps is about to become MUCH more selective, and once to start recruiting older, more experienced people as volunteers. So that's what your focus needs to be -- getting experience. And thinking about it now, while you are still in high school, is a VERY good idea, because that gives you the next five years to focus your studies and energies to make yourself a good candidate:

  4. I was a PCV. My daughter is one now. Jayne is right, Tiberius is foolish. "Skill a developing country needs" is more important than "want to help people". They are both important; it is just that skills are more important. Your parents don't matter at all.

  5. Yes! You definatly do. God bless and good luck! And, btw, just cuz self serving conservatives are not interested in helping others doesn't mean that you need parents who are rich and/or liberal.

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