
Am I reading this right?

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I am new to Danish... is this for a trainie for a cable splicer. My husband is a current cable splicer for AT&T.

Vi søger

Bli' TEK-elev hos TDC

Er du vild med teknik? Og kan du simpelthen ikke holde fingrene væk? Så bliv TEK-elev hos TDC. Her får du ikke bare tjek på teknikken i telefoni, bredbånd, tv og andre lækkerier fra TDC. Du kører også ud og installerer det til hele familien Danmark. Ja, det er faktisk dig, der holder sammen på det danske it-samfund.

Tag hånd om teknikken

Som TEK-elev lærer du at installere en række af TDCs produkter hjemme hos vores kunder. Du kører også ud og fikser kabler og installationer, der er gået i stykker, og meget andet. I det hele taget løser du hver dag tekniske problemer for rigtig mange mennesker.

Det er en 2½-årig uddannelse, der ruster dig til et job som teleinstallationstekniker. I starten af din elevtid bliver du tilknyttet en erfaren tekniker, som lærer dig grundigt op i alle arbejdsopgaver og arbejdsmetoder.

I kører rundt sammen og modtager løbende opgaver på computeren i bilen, og du får fingrene helt ned i kabler og kundeinstallationer. Efter en periode har du lært nok til at udføre opgaver på egen hånd - selvfølgelig stadig med den erfarne tekniker på sidelinjen.

Få nye venner - og fast løn

I løbet af de 2½ år lærer du mange af de andre TDC-elever at kende. Og når uddannelsen er s**t, har du rigtig gode chancer for at blive fastansat som tekniker - og måske lære nye elever op!

Din arbejdstid som elev er 37 timer ugentligt inkl. betalt frokostpause.

Det er dig, vi mangler!

For at blive TEK-elev hos TDC skal du have bestået 9. klasse samt grundforløbet i data- og kommunikationsuddannelsen på Teknisk Skole. Derudover skal du have erhvervet kørekort senest 3 måneder efter du er startet hos TDC, august-september 2008.

Tændt på tanken?

Vi søger TEK-elever til hele landet, så skynd dig at søge. Du søger via under referencenr. 003591. Der er ingen ansøgningsfrist, da vi ansætter løbende hele året. Har du spørgsmål, så ring til elevkonsulent Helle Martini på tlf. 66 66 27 57.

TDC Vision

Forvent mere

I TDC bliver du en del af en udviklende og attraktiv arbejdsplads, der giver dig mulighed for at leve både joblivet og privatlivet fuldt ud. Som TDC'er bliver du tilbudt udfordrende arbejdsopgaver, løbende uddannelse og mulighed for at udleve dine karrieredrømme gennem vores professionelle udviklingsprogrammer. Samtidig sætter vi rammerne for, at du kan skabe balance i dit liv, og giver gode arbejdsvilkår til alle, om du er nybagt far eller kvindelig leder. Vi er rygraden i det danske it- og kommunikationssamfund. Det vil vi også være i morgen - og som TDC'er kan du være med til at udstikke kursen. Lyder det som noget for dig?




  1. Yes it is.

  2. Help wanted

    Be TEK-student at TDC

    Do you love technology? And can you simply not keep your hands off? Then become a TEK-student at TDC. Here you won't just come to understand the technology in telephones, broadband, TV and other products of TDC. You'll also drive out and install it. Yes, it's actually you that holds the Danish IT-community together.

    Take a hand in technology

    As a TEK-student you'll learn to install all sorts of TDC products in our customers' homes. You'll also go out and fix cabals and installations that have broken, and much more. All in all you solve everyday technical problems for a lot of people.

    It is a 2½-year long education that prepares you for a job as a teleinstallation technician. At the beginning of your time as a student you are paired up with an experienced technician who teaches you the basics in all the work assignments and methods.

    You drive around together and receive assignments on the computer in the car and help work on cables and customer installations.  After a while you've learned enough to take on assignments yourself - of course still with the supervision of an experienced technician.

    Make new friends - and steady pay

    In the 2½ years you'll get to know many other TDC students. And when the education is completed  you'll have a very good chance of being hired as a technician- and maybe teaching new students!

    Your work hours as a student are 37 hours a week including a paid lunch break.

    We need you!

    To become a TEK-student at TDC you need to have finished 9th grade and a basic course in data and communication education at Technical School. Furthermore, you need to have a driver's license at the latest 3 months after you begin at TDC for the August-September 2008 year.

    Like the idea?

    We're looking for TEK-students all over the country, so hurry and apply. You can apply via under reference number 003591. There is no deadline for applications, we hire throughout the year. If you have questions, call student counselor  Helle Martini, telephone: 66 66 27 57.

    TDC Vision

    Expect more

    In TDC you become a part of a developed and attractive workplace that gives you the possibility to live both your work and private life to the fullest. As a TDC-er you're offered job assignments, an education and the opportunity to fulfill your carrier dream through our professional development programs. At the same time we set limits so that you can balance your life, and give a good quality of work-life to everyone, whether you're a new father or a leading woman. We are the backbone of the Danish IT- and communication society.  We will be tomorrow too - and as a  TDC-er you can join in to define the course (that IT and communication will take in the future). Does that sound like something for you?

    That's what it says. I guess it sounds a little strange translated that way, my English grammar like that, I'm a native speaker, its just a lot easier keeping more of the original grammar than changing it and rephrasing things so it sounds good, that would take more time...

  3. Try or both are free translation sites.

    Good luck!

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