
Am I reading this wrong or does the 'The Smithsonian Institution team' find and destroy new species?

by Guest63154  |  earlier

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Key phrase:

" Genetic tests confirmed the bird, which measures 4.5 inches

in length and averages half an ounce (14 grams) in weight, was a unique species."




  1. You're reading it wrong, they only took a DNA sample for comparison with databases.

    They didn't find all birds belonging to that species, put them in a blender, then take a sample.

  2. I can't imagine what part of that article led you to believe that they destroy them. They don't, of that I am sure.

  3. if they said the bird was a unique species, then it looks like they did. if it was OF a new species then we'll just have to speculate.

  4. You are reading too much into the quote which may not have been reported accurately to the word.  The bird is shown alive in the picture and a genetic sample does not destroy the bird, but normally when a biologist collects a sample and compares it to others in the collection, the sample is dead.   But it is assumed that it is one bird among many in the environment.  

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