
Am I reading too much into what my ex has been saying?

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I saw my ex a few days ago. We had been apart for about four months and previously were together for four years. Things went better than I expected. He mentioned regrets about certain ways he treated me in the relationship, but he also mentioned several times, "You look just like when I first met you and seeing you brought back many memories."

Move forward two days later and he writes me an email (the way we've mostly been communication) expressing his happiness that I am doing so well (I wasn't before) BUT he also mentioned again,

"It definitely brought back a lot of feelings seeing you again:

What is going on here. Am I just not picking up on something?

BY the way, he broke up with me




  1. Sounds like he has regrets about your breakup & is trying to see if there's any possibility you're interested. Be careful her, though.There's a reason he's an ex. Every time he says feelings are back, try to remember your feelings - from when you broke up!

  2. He wants a one night stand.

  3. I think a part of him regrets leaving you. Take it slow. Don't push anything. Allow him to be the one to come back to you. If you still love him, give both of you enough time to figure out where it went wrong and if it can be salvaged. Good luck.

  4. He's telling you he's been thinking hard about the bare possibility that you two might get back together and that he would do much better this time. Think about how you feel about that and then just ask him if that's what he has in mind. If you think it might be good,  go slow. (If the s*x was real good, even when the rest wasn't, go even slower.)

    There are so many mistakes that can't be fixed that it's worth thinking about this maybe being one that can, if that sounds good to you.  

  5. You should just ask him.

    It could be he wants you back it also could be just what he said that it brings back good memories.

    To me the bigger question is do YOU want him back after HE dumped you?

  6. hes either sorry or just horny

  7. It's possible that he regrets having left you, or he may have just been genuinely happy to know that you're doing well.  Either way, he's an ex for a reason.  I wouldn't consider taking anyone back who had dumped me if I were you.

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