
Am I ready to get sponsered for surfing? How do I get sponsered?

by  |  earlier

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I have won multiple surf contests and been surfing for a long time and go out everyday... Im only 16




  1. Yes, if you think you're ready. I've won about two contests only lol. Im a native hawaiian girl, born on the islands. But i dont do it for sponsoear, only for fun.

    Its a tough crowd out there and they're going to be tough on you.

  2. PR bro. It's a very crowded field so you might need to go approach some sponsors; check your local surf shop for companies that sponsor locally.

    Good luck, hope to see you on the cover of Surfing

  3. um u apply for it or sponsors want to pay for u to get sponsored or u call up local surf shops and ask them the specifics on how to get sponsored

  4. Depends on if you have won major events, or junior pro events.  Local contests might only get you partially sponsored by local shops.  Sponsors usually approach the contestants directly at the major events.  Also, have you been interviewed by any magazines?  Sponsors go after interviewed surfers on a regular basis as well.  My suggestion is:  Enter some major events, create a resume of your major event placements and wins, talk directly to your local shops, and send your resume to those who your local shops suggest.

  5. Have you won any junior championships like this guy?:

    Please remember that there are a ton of guys on the WQS (world qualifying series tour) and over 40 on the WCT (world championship tour). There are only so many sponsors to go around. Some people travel on the *tours* for awhile paying out of pocket because they have no sponsor.

    Pros from the WCT are allowed to compete in WQS events for points. Not exactly fair to surf against someone who is used to surfing against Slater.

    Below is the schedule from the ASP. You'll have to choose an open men's junior event near you. The more you win, the more noticed you'll get. Also, personality counts - on land when you meet people face to face. Image is everything.

  6. someone has to want to sponsor you.

  7. Dude, you are definitely ready to get sponsored. If you have really won that many contests, then I'am pretty sure that you have attracted attention from many sponsors. It sounds like you are just avoiding the crowds on the beach when you're done in the water, because the sponsors will usually come out of the crowds and up to you after you win a big contest. Dude, don't avoid the crowds or the attention. If you want to be big and well-known in this business, then you are going to have to get out there and interact with people (i.e. potential sponsors, media sources, ect.) and establish contacts (i.e. other pro or semi-pro surfers). There is no reason why you shoudn't already be sponsored. Don't just surf, get out, and leave. Stick around afterwards. Trust me on this one. Good luck bro!

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