
Am I really Divorced?

by  |  earlier

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I called the court house today to find out the status of my divorce. And the clerk told me it has been signed I was happy but didn't ask what does that mean. So when the clerk tells you the judgment was signed. AM I really divorced! I just can't believe it! I live in NEw York by the way!




  1. Yes you are! It's the second happiest day in many people's lives. The first is the marriage day and the second is the divorce day!

    Good luck and time to get bombed!

  2. I'm sure she meant it was signed by a judge. You sound happy about your divorce. I was too. Enjoy!

  3. From a lawyer.  There is probably a waiting period of 6 months or so before you could be remarried.

  4. Yes, and you will receive a copy of the papers.

  5. Yes and you should be notified by mail shortly.
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