
Am I really missing out on all the fun?

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I am doing independant study for my senior year of high school, am I really missing out on anything? Most of my friends say it is as normal as ever but it is supposed to be your best year of high school, I am thinking about going back because I don't want to miss anything but at the same time I like the way things are now and don't really mind missing the "fun". What do you guys think? Was senior year really better or is that all just bull c**p?




  1. I must say that my senior year of high school was by far the best year of school for me.  I enjoyed homecoming, prom, senior superlatives, spirit week, pep-rallies, musicals, basketball games, cheering, class night, senior trip, french club, sadd, spring fair, yearbook, yearbook signing....  not that we only did all of those things in our senior year, but they seemed to be more meaningful that year....I think because I knew that it was the last chance to enjoy those things....  You have to decide what you want to do....  I would go, but thats just me, I loved high school altogether.  

    ps.... I am still friends with people that I went to high school with, they were in my wedding, at my baby showers, have watched my kids grow...  My husband is the same, he's had the same friends from elementary school... they are like brothers and are like uncles to our children... I wouldn't trade any of them for anything.  Now we all have children, and it's great to watch them all together.

  2. don't feel like your missing out on much as long as you still get to participate in after school functions that were the fun is  i think senior year was a little over rated as long as you are happy doing what your doing why change

  3. It is different for everyone. My senior year was a big yawn. My junior year was much more fun. I had a great study group that year. It isn't about where you are, but what you make of it.

  4. My own experience was that senior year was the absolute worst.  I wouldn't live it over for anything.  

    What you'd be missing out on is the life you are living now.  If you are unhappy, then make a change, otherwise keep on living.

  5. I'd go back - I enjoyed highschool a lot...  Adults would tell me it was the best time time of their lives, now I see why.....

    Too much stress being an adult to have a lot of fun

  6. Senior year is usually the 'best' because

    1-you get to miss school to go on trips to visit colleges

    2-you apply to college and, by early 2nd semester, you find out what you got into, so you don't have to worry

    3-you probably don't have anymore standardized tests

    4-especially in the 2nd semester, you really get to slack off

    5-being a senior means next year you don't have to come back!

    Um, yeah. Mostly, it was the best for me because I knew that I was almost done, not because I was doing anything fun.

  7. it sounds like you are doing home tutoring, which should allow you to go to the prom and any field trips the class takes.  

    If you are truly being homeschooled, you need to check with your school district.  some states are required to let you participate in extracuricular activities, some arent.  aks some of the other hsers in your area to see if they know.

  8. well the major thing that makes your senior year so fun is knowing that you are almost done with that leg of your educational process.

    For me it was like breaking out of jail.

    And then the graduation also.

    I didn't really like high school but Senior year was the best.

  9. well i guess it depends on d type of person you are...

    if you are the kinda person who wants to have all the enjoyment in life dat it has to offer then i suggest you go back.

    but again u were basically homeschooled soo that is probably why u dont mind missing it too much...ask me advice and den i would definitely ask u to go back coz life in a senior school is really different and u wil really miss all the fun n glamour of dat life....nd once lost u cant regain the lost time...

    well  now if ur d type of person who minds her business and just exists in der and if u dont know wt to do once u go bak den i suggest u stay put coz u will make a mockery of yourslf by going bak and that's definitely going to harm u

    bt going by my first instinct i would say u should go bak.....every1 learns to adjust wherever he/she is....Only the time taken differs to an then i guess you will be able to handle it by making a few handy friends up front which will help u relax...

    well d rest is upto u........

    good luck hope i cud be of service to u........

  10. bull. isolation is not healthy, especially for young people. you better go to college and i dont mean online because you are missing out on some fun because you get to meet new people that can further your interests and careers and stuff like that (basically you need face time). Do you think celebs or the rich got that way just by confining themselfs closed in all the time? NO! They had thier people talk to there people and did lunch. lol!

  11. senior years are the best, everyone matures and there isnt any bitchyness. its like the whole grade is a group of friends.

    and you'll miss out on the formals, the photos, jokes, teachers, community, and the last assembly ect.

    go back, u'll miss out!

  12. No, you're not really missing out on "everything" because senoir year flies by so fast. your friends are right its just like the other three years except you are getting ready to leave, lol. Unless you like being around people everyday then it shouldn't be much to miss. But of course there is the senior prom so.. :P But it is up to you and how you feel about it.

  13. tbh your not missing anything major, my last year was pretty much the same as the others, the only thing was that it was the last chance to spend time with some of my friends.

  14. Since it is your senior year I would suggest going back. But if you are satisfied being at home then be it. Try going for a month and see how you like going to school everyday. I mean you will have to have a job someday. So better get use to it now.

  15. hey, I homeschooled basically all of my life.  (xcept for a few months in grade school) and I'll never be sorry.  Believe it or not, you'll probably do a lot better in college, too.  I'm in college right now, and I love it.  it did take getting used to though -the change and all.

      You learn to think for your self more as a homeschooled person and are less likely to be swayed by 'group think.'

      this is off of the subject, but I found that College was more benificial (and i got better grades) to me after I moved out of the dorm and back home.

  16. You're not really missing anything - for me, it was the best because I knew I was getting out of there at the end of the year!

    It really is like any other year of high school; the anticipation you feel is the same as if you were walking the halls, but your freedom as an ind. study student is much more.  You have control over your time and responsibility for your education, which is much better preparation for college.

    If you're happy with ind. study, stay there.  I really wouldn't suggest switching that up in the middle of the semester.

    Hope that helps!

  17. For some people, school is a great, wonderful time in their lives, and they leave with a lot of warm memories.

    For other people, their memories of school are like nightmares, brought problems they've had to deal with for the rest of their lives, and they feel more like it was something that they had to survive than a great time of their lives.

    Everyone is different-- not everyone likes school.  If you like your life, if you're having fun and enjoying your youth, who cares what other people are doing?

  18. Your friends are right.  Senior year is the same as any other year.  You may be missing prom, but perhaps you could attend with a friend or think of a fun alternative.

    When we are in high school, it is such a big part of our lives that we start to believe those years will be the best of our lives.  In reality, they won't (or shouldn't be).

    As an adult, I am not regularly in touch with anyone from high school (and I don't know anyone who is).  None of my happiest memories have anything to do with high school.  I can probably think of at least 100 special moments that rank above anything that happened there.  Including some of my college experiences.  College is much more fun than high school.

    If an adult tells you that senior year and prom are some of their best moments, then you should feel sad for them because they are probably not living a very happy life.  If another kid tells you that, they just don't know any better.  If you like the way things are now, stick with it.

    Good luck!

  19. Your missing out on social skills. I'm home school And I was bullied to death and went through very very bad emotional trauma that scard my life. This is my first year and I'm doing it for seventh and eight and that will be enough time for me to build up my self estem and go back for high school. Right now anyways it's working because I am independent. I'm ahead of my grade right now. It's much harder because you actually learn things while in most cases public schools in the USA only study for the FCAT. Discipline is much stricter and I have way more responsibilities. When I grow up I am planning on homeschooling my kids for better curriculum.

    I not like normal kids. I don't like dances, relationships (Until I'm Older), And I like to focus on my studies. So it depends what your personality is.

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