
Am I really sinking this low?

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Am I really sinking this low?




  1. Yes you are.

    The cliff is that way.

  2. I know Thom... we don't have any real friends...

    But, don't worry about it... when I go forwards you go backwards and somewhere we will meet...

  3. shouldn't of stepped into quick sand =]

  4. I don't know are you? Difficult to answer a question that hasn't really been asked but if you want some advice on depression or things of that nature I have a website that might help.

    good luck

  5. your just not floating that high!

  6. Lower than a snakes belly

  7. Make sure you have reached the bottom end (even if this is the first time), there..., to remind yourself how you come to be, and then right here, stand up firmly on this ground before you run off again.

    Let’s do it together!

  8. depends..

    Are you the Titanic or a submarine.?

  9. Anything is possible.

  10. Looks like you've already made the decision :)

  11. I  had the feeling I was trying to keep my head above water( I could actually see myself struggling in the waves) this went on  a few times,Then I had the feeling I sank, I could see myself slowly descending to the bottom of the Ocean then my feet hit the bottom and I gave an almighty push on my feet and came back to the top,these images have never returned since..  

  12. I think you need to be more specific.

  13. Yes but if you raise the bar, you'll manage better :0)

  14. No.

    The rest of the world is just rising without you.  It happens.

  15. Apparently.  

  16. How low is low for you ?  Do you think you can swim?  You're only limited by your thinking.

    Another absolutely Great website available ,  a great book " Powerful Attitudes"..CD's available that are powerful as well.  I have them all and use them consistently. Great encouragements by a popular writer,coach and speaker.....

    Check it out if you are looking for something to lift your spirits and give you a better life......There is help but you must seek it out and find it...

    I did and I love these products.  If you are really serious you can find encouragement and hope !

  17. SMILE :)

    Life is too short.

    Whatever it is move on.

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