My mom just called me into her room and started screaming at me and saying that I'm the laziest, most irresponsible, selfish brat of a daughter that you could have.
She yelled at me for not bringing up my dad's laundry, leaving one cookie in the tin, never doing my dishes, and expecting everyone to wait on me hand and foot.
I don't think that I'm that bad!
I mow the lawn every week and water the plants; I take care of the cat; I do my own laundry and my dad's; I wash my own dishes for God's sake; I bring in the newspaper for my parents...on top of getting perfect grades and being a good athlete, going to Church and Bible Study and just trying to be a kid!
She yelled at me for "not finishing the last cookie and leaving it for her to be my slave" and I told her, I took care of that today!
But she wouldn't believe me, even when I told her she could go down and look for herself.
I know I'm not perfect, but I try!
She's not exactly a stellar mom.
She makes me buy my own clothes.
She will usually make my lunch, but occasionally, will just leave a dollar bill and a note that says "buy lunch today" so I have to pay with my own money.
She's so mean to me!
Do you think I'm really that bad?
I'm so upset, I'm crying right now.