
Am I responsible for breaking a window from a bad golf shot? (different circumstances)?

by Guest32392  |  earlier

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I was playing golf in South Carolina when I hooked a shot and broke a window on a house adjacent to the course. I'm just a poor college student and certainly didn't want to pay so I just kept playing without giving the screaming lady my information. She proceeded to call the police who came out on the course and got my info.

I'm from Connecticut so I'm wondering how she could possibly sue me for the damage. She couldn't do it in SC because they have no jurisdiction and she couldn't do it in federal court because the amount is too low. Let me know what your thoughts are. Am I off the hook?




  1. You are not just a poor college student you also aren't too bright.  She can sue you and they do have juristiction.  You were in their state, in their town, and you destroyed her window.  They can call you back for the court date, just like if you get busted for speeding in another state, they hold court in that stated not yours.  How, being a "college" student do you not know this?  What are they teaching you guys in school these days.  

    And everyone is speaking against the home owner.  How pathetic is this.  You broke a window and got busted for it.  I know many of the courses in SC and they will subpoena you and they will make you go down there.  She should have "homeowners"... so you wouldn't get upset if somebody decided to walk up to your house and bust out a window?  Same situation.  Be a man and take responsibility for your actions.  This is what's wrong with this country do what you can to get away with everything.  Nobody believes they're wrong, nobody thinks they should have any accountability... until it happens to them.  May this all come back around to get you little man.


  2. Serves this lady right for owning a house on a golf course.  Her insurance should pay for it, or the golf course, country club, should pay for it.  A percentage of the green fees undoubtedly goes to pay for this sort of stuff.

  3. Well you should have screamed back that her house scratched you golf ball.  There is a risk that she has taken by placing her house in jeopardy and you are unusually not responsible for damage.  Even Tiger Woods will miss a drive.  She has assumed all folks are perfect golfers by placing her house there and really ought to pay for damage to your golf ball.

  4. That is why homes on golf courses have higher premiums.  You should try and pay for it, but their home insurance will take care of it.  If you didn't want a golf ball through your window you shouldn't buy a home on a golf course.   The window will cost her far less than suing you across state lines will cost.  Work on your game, and ignore her.  

  5. .   YOu are legally responsible.

  6. While you should have stopped playing and at least apoligized, the lady should have realized the dangers of having her house adjacent to the golf course. I don't think legally it could hurt you, because her insurance will most likely cover it.

  7. IN most states, homes adjoining a golf course have an easement attached to the deed holding the course and the golfers there free from harm for damage caused by golf balls. Homeonwers insurance is there for a reason as well.

    I'd call the manager of the course and ask them what they usually do in this situation; I'd offer to pay the deductable if it is something reasonable.

  8. The property owner does NOT have to file with her insurance company. The college student is liable for his actions; admitting that they can not play golf. However, a small claims suit has to be brought in the jurisdiction of the event. She has the students information and can file a claim locally. The magistrate court will mail the claim to the student who must answer it or be in default.

    The reasonable thing to do is just pay for the window and be done with it. There is no gray area here.

  9. I think you answered your own question, just by asking it. It is on your mind and you know down deep in your heart that you  should pay for the window.

    I think if you had talked to the lady before she called the cops, she might not have been so mean.

    Do the right thing now and you will always do the right thing in the future.

  10. You broke the window fair and square... do the right thing and pay for it. Good Karma will come your way.

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