
Am I retarted I suck at math

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hi I'm going into 8th grade its really hard for me to do math its hard for me to do 5th grade math at the end of this year I gave up because it was too hard i failed and went to summer school I still four with my fingers and still cant memorize most of my times tables. My dad said to me: you know theres nothing wrong with you right? After he found out I failed thats what made me suspect I was a total r****d please help thanks I'm worried I will fail 8th grade




  1. No you are not retarded, I am terrible at math, I count on my fingers sometimes. I'm a senior after summer is over.

  2. Err... only positive from this story: boosting my ego. Haha.

    Aww, that's harsh- I'm in year 8 as well... but don't know what your question is. You're not a 'r****d' but you're not exactly excelling in the subject either.

    Counting with your fingers... I sometimes still resort to that, subtly (haha... shhh) even though I'm doing accelerated maths (which I don't if you have in America. America right? Well by the 'math' and 8th grade' you sound American. Well anyway accelerated maths is where you do your HSC in year 11 not year 12. HSC is like .. I think you have like 'SAT' or something... pfft I don't know.)

    Anyway, if you're worried why you just like study really hard, persevere, etc. Struggling with year 5 level maths is pretty bad...

    Wow, this is pretty long- sorry... whatever I'm bored.

    Good luck!

  3. Your not retarded!!! math just isnt your strong point.  I bet your really good at other things!!

    --good luck with your math =]]

  4. No, you're not retarded. You just have a hard time with math! Keep working at it. You might need special help at school or outside of school to get you up to speed. If you're really worried about it, talk to your parents or a teacher or guidance counselor. Don't be embarrassed, they are all there to help you. Now is the time to learn, not later!

  5. I am the same - even worse than that actually! Don't worry and it doesn't mean you are stupid. It might make you FEEL stupid, but you're definitely not! You are also not retarded. If you were retarded, you wouldn't be thinking about it and you wouldn't be typing a post online.

    Btw, there is a thing called 'dyscalculia'. It's like dyslexia, but with maths. Here are some links:

    If you think you have that, then mention it to your school or your parents. Do they have a special needs teacher? (I'm not saying you are special needs, but they could still help by giving you extra maths coaching) Even if you struggle with maths, that doesn't mean you'll fail in other things. People can be hopeless at maths and still get A + grades at school, or they can be good at sport/music etc.

  6. in grade 6 I couldn't understand the word math it self but then in grade 7 I worked real hard and acheived my B in math so know my dad didnt kick my *** this time so then in grade 8 I worked even more and got a A+ in math and now in grade 9 who the **** knows but at least I earned my xbox 360 pro :D.

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