
Am I right to be mad?

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Two days ago, my bf asked me to stay home today so I could wait for a delivery. A couple of minutes ago he just called to tell me his parents were coming tomorrow morning --his father is gonna help paint outside and his mom wants to paint the baby's room. We talked yesterday and I told her I was gonna ask the doctor if I could paint --she said "I see no problem with you painting" (as if she was a doctor) I didn't have the time to see the doctor (which I was set to see tomorrow, but now I'm stuck with them)...

I'm mad at my bf for imposing me his parents (he's not gonna be here) without asking me if I had something to do (which I did, I have a doctor's apointment!) And I'm mad cause it's the second time this week he "monopolizes" my day. Plus, now I have to figure out what I make for them for lunch and diner... : And I can't go out today

I'm mad at his mom cause I'm afraid she's gonna make me paint when I dunno if I should since I'm pregnant...

And I'm just plain mad.

Is it the hormones




  1. I can see why you're annoyed, but there is an easy solution.  Just tell your BF's mother that you are not comfortable painting without permission from your doctor first, and if she wants to paint by herself until you talk to your doctor, more power to her.  Don't let her pressure you into something that doesn't feel right to you.  As for your BF, just tell him calmly and openly that you are upset with him and why.  Tell him that you don't appreciate him making plans for you without checking with you first, and next time you would appreciate him asking you rather than telling you.  If he does it again, tell him sorry, you can't do it, you have other plans, which he would have known if he had checked with you.  It's very easy to stand up for yourself and make this problem go away -- you don't have to stew in your hormones and anger forever over this!

  2. I would be mad as well if I was put in that situation.  Don't miss your doctors appointment just because his parents are coming over.  You shouldn't feel obligated to prepare lunch or dinner for them you need as much rest as you can get before the baby gets here.  Also get permissions from your doctor before you paint.  Good luck

  3. You are the pregnant one.  Paint if you want, cook if you want.  Don't feel obligated.  Tell your b/f since he got his parents there, he needs to help out.

  4. He ASKED you to wait for the delivery. His parents are coming to HELP you paint. Wow, what jerks. I suppose you've never asked them to do anything for you that was a pain?

    No one can make you paint a dang thing. No one said you have to cook. Most likely no one expects you to.

    Your bf's mom gave her OPINION--there is no problem painting. I'm sure she didn't tell you she's an expert and her word is gold. She answered the question you made.

    Do you work? If you're home all day, every day "monopolizing" is a little dramatic for a description.

    If you don't want the help, send them my way, I'd love it!

  5. -get even not mad,.

    may I just suggest a friendly jog or run around the block instead,. this may be a better solution,.

       good  luck  bye  oh don't forget to inhale and exhale accordingly,..

  6. No it's not just the hormones, although, they do add to the problem. In regards to painting, you are not allowed to paint when are not to breathe in any paint fumes. I was told to not even be in the house when it was first painted and to have the windows open for ventilation. Just call your doctors office, they will be able to tell you over the telephone.

  7. You should still attend your Doctors appointment, just explain that this was scheduled in before their visit was arranged. Then ask your doctor to give you information regarding the painting issue. I know they are guests in your home, but they shouldnt expect to be waited on, not least by their son's pregnant girlfriend. Call him and tell him to book a table at the restaurant, either for all four of you or for his parents, as a treat from him to them, then use the time to talk to him and make sure he knows he has to help you out with entertaining your guests.

  8. Yes I would be mad to, I would tell him how you feel about what he did and tell him that he needs to help paint.

  9. I don't blame you at all for being mad.  You shouldn't paint unless it's a low odor, non-toxic paint.  It's in most pregnancy books and on most pregnancy websites. Print it off to show her so she doesn't accuse you of trying to get out of work.  Phone them and let them know that because you are unable to go out today, that you don't have much food in the house, and could they bring lunch.  Then call your boyfriend, tell him to bring home food for dinner tomorrow night.  Then whe he gets home sit him down and tell him how you are feeling.  this won't get better unless you express your needs.

  10. The paint will not hurt you, not if it is a water based paint.  Your hormones are probably raging, but this is probably not the cause of your anger.  You have every right to be angry, you boyfriend apparently thinks that your time is not valuable, and that you can be at his beck and call.  You should KEEP your doctors appointment, if that means leaving his parents by themselves for a little while, so what?  If your bf does not like it, tell him to stay home with them.  As far a bf mom, she probably knows that the paint is non-toxic, and thought nothing of it.

  11. It's your baby and the room is in your home, YOU should be deciding whether or not you want to paint. Who cares what she wants-

    You should definitely wait and speak to the doctor before doing any painting. It's reasonable to assume you shouldnt be in an enclosed space with paint fumes while pregnant.

    The delivery thing seems okay, you are a couple who lives together, it's a normal thing to ask of the other person. But leaving you with the parents all day? That's annoying. You should bring that up to him, but nicely.

    Especially when they're insisting you do strenuous activity that might harm the baby. The baby's health is more important than the color of his/her bedroom walls.

  12. yes u have a right to be mad! if i wer u i would ditch da parents n go to da doc apoinment! it could be hormones but that was still rude so you got the right to be mad
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