
Am I running away? ?

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A friend tonight accused me of being a "runner" that I seem to get a string of bad luck and am ready to throw in the towel too quickly.

The situation: I have moved here a year ago, I started with a job that i felt complimented my BS degree and that I felt a good fit. It ended up not being a good fit. I left and went to another job that's a good fit but I am feeling that its not my calling and what I want to do for the rest of my life. I am 25. Graduated college a year ago. I haven't had much luck in this city with relationships or getting connected. The job I want to do will require me to go to grad school and possibly move to another state. Which I would love to move to another state, because I want to get out and see more of the US! Although, I can see where my friend is coming from. I had started dating someone for a couple months, the relationship ended and I had brought this idea up to my friends after all of this. Am I really running away? Should I stay here longer?




  1. dont stay if you dont like it tell them to stuff it and find somewhere you are happy.  

  2. You'll never be worse off for going to grad school, so even IF you ARE running away, do it. **** your friend.

  3. Only you know how you feel about a certain job, situation, relationship, etc. I think that you need to carefully consider why you are feeling the way you do in each situation, but ultimately, if you do not feel satisfied in your current position (and you have given it a fair chance, meaning you did not go into it with a negative expectation, and it still didn't work), then you are perfectly justified in moving on. Why drag something out when you already know it's not right? Since the job you truly want will be what leads you to do all of these other things that you are interested in, I'd say you'd be hurting yourself by not taking this opportunity.
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