
Am I safe? I am trying to protect my children from harm.

by Guest57948  |  earlier

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I recently moved to a gated community. What do i do to secure my home from potential stalkers/intruders? I know that a gated area is best for staying safe.....but i also know there are ways they still can succeed at trying to harm my family....any ideas?




  1. get a home security system

  2. Get a dog and have faith.

    Every thing happens for a reason, even the bad things.

    Why are you so concerned, if you have valid reasons, then talk to the local police department, if you are being paranoid, go to counseling...don't over smother your is great but paranoia is impossible.

  3. Get security system. Dead bolt the doors, get window locks, but a dowel rod in the frame of sliding glass doors, pull the shades at night. Leave lights on at night if you go out

  4. buy an alarm system

    more door locks

    window locks

    pepper spray

    leave lights on even when you arent home

  5. Buy pepper/mace spray and have your kids carry around one of those key chains that has an 'alarm' on it so if they don't feel safe they can push the button and the siren will go off.

  6. I have both a home system and a large breed dog. The dog is  better and has no false alarms plus the power never goes out on a dog.  

  7. Keep your garage doors down and locked at "ALL" times...  always, always, always, keep your car doors and windows locked.....Know where and who your children are with.....

  8. You need to relax. There are very few "bad" people in this world compared to the number of good people. You sound paranoid and you are going to harm your children if you act as though everyone they come into contact with is out to hurt them. Turn off the news and the TV and stop reading newspapers. Have some fun!  

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