
Am I seeing spirits? And why am I seeing them all of a sudden.?

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I've always been really open to the fact that their are spirits and never been scared of them (I'm 14). We've always had weird things happen in our house, doors slamming, tv/radios turning on and off, just things like that. Lately I keep seeing things though I know this sounds crazy, but I am. I swear I've seen a little boy and older man in our house, I've seen the man a few times. I feel like I'm going nuts! I told my parents and they just kinda laughed it off. Could I really be seeing spirits?





    these people can help you they are like ghost busters.

    I have seen a spirit also you aren't going crazy though you will undoubtedly catch a lot of slack here .

    Maybe your spirits need your help? Maybe they are residual ,they are like recordings.

  2. I can totally relate to you, I grew up in Georgia. 'Nuff said.

    Really weird things happened in our house(s) & it happened to all of us we'd all experience something. Even today, I still experience weird occurrences.

    I don't think your nuts, unless you're on something and not telling us that could change my opinion but otherwise, yes you could be seeing/feeling things.

  3. i do beleive tht u could  be seing things; is there someone u know that died recently that was a man or a boy?( if u dont mind me asking) so NO U R NOT GOING CRZY!! ps. i have a question tht i could use some help on....:)

  4. Sure.

    You're a little young for the onset of schizophrenia.  Why not ghosts???  Have you tried to take pictures?

  5. psh!!! ur crazy! no offense!

  6. You could be seeing spirits hey i know predicament you are in. When i was younger i saw stuff all the time but didn't say anything because i was afraid people might assume tha i was nuts. But i saw spirits amd it always happens when your alone and its eerie quiet to which gives me goosebumps.

  7. What you have here is a self fulfilling prophesy.If you believe in them they will come.No,you're not seeing spirits.You're imagining them.

  8. There are no such things as haunted places, only haunted people.

    That is why you're the only one who sees them.  I am pretty sure if I hung around your house I wouldn't see any spirits at all.  You must be one of the fantasy-prone who are more likely to see ghosts.

  9. It's absolutely possible. Thankfully, my parents raised me to believe that there was more to the world than I could know with my five senses. I appreciate that, as it's made my life a lot of fun sometimes. What you might have in your house is a pair of residual spirits, people who lived and possibly died in the house long before you moved there. Or it's entirely possible that they didn't live there at all, but visited and were happiest there, so they returned after they died.

    Anything's possible, and I would suggest trying to communicate with these spirits. Try EVP, you might catch something interesting, like a name for one of your ghosts or something equally cool.

    Good luck, keep that open mind, sweetie, and I hope that helps.

  10. Hi,

    No, I don't think you're seeing spirits. I know you're young, but I think you're old enough to understand what I'm going to say. You may have had a dream as you were waking, perhaps even a leftover of a dream that you remembered during the day, and this led to you thinking you may have seen a vision. And now that you've thinking you're seeing spirits, the power of suggestion will be strong and you'll keep deceiving yourself into thinking you saw "something" out of the corner of your eye, when it's just a visual illusion heightened by your expectations.

    Nobody else in the house is seeing the "spirits" precisely because they are only an illusion in your mind, brought on by your expectations and your imagination. So there is nothing to fear, and they will go away just as soon as you forget about them.

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